Sunday, February 27, 2011

Freaking Out A Little Bit At A Time.

The rough draft is due tomorrow. I have been planning all weekend long (as well as finishing my portfolio) and my rough draft is still skeletal. I'm not sure what to do. I don't think I need help with writing it, but I need a better way to get my ideas down. I know what I want to say and I know the words I want to use, but transitioning and making my rough draft fluid is becoming an extreme challenge.

On a positive note, my portfolio is SO CLOSE to being finished! I have one quick question:

I was reading the professionalism page in the packet and it says to use a variety of fonts. However, I do not want a variety of fonts as I feel it will make my portfolio seem indecisive and unprofessional. I was wondering if I would get marked down at all for not using multiple fonts and sticking with one or two.


I felt like the free write on Time was just me complaining about how much time I do not have. I am very stressed out about my senior portfolio and I'm hoping that I have enough time to make it look very good. I don't think that it will look as good as a scrap book but I'm going to try. I also was very stressed out about our synthesis essay and at first was very confused. I think I was able to get it down and hopefully it was what Mrs. K was looking for. Also, I wanted to say that Noble, Casey, Taylor, and Amy did a great job on Friday presenting on capital punishment. Some of the facts really surprised me and it felt like I actually learned quite a lot from the presentation.

Stressed Out!

Okay so this weekend has been intense. I've been working on school work just about 24/7. On Friday I came home from school and worked on my portfolio for about an hour and a half and then ate supper and then worked on it some more. Then Saturday I woke up at 10 and went to Muskegon to get some pictures I printed out (for my portfolio) at Sam's Club & Wal*Mart. And I also got some last minute things at Hobby Lobby, Target, Meijer, and Wal*Mart. Then I got home around 8 and my mom and I finished putting everything away like 40 minutes later. It was such an exhausting day that I just had to sit down and relax a little. I watched The Social Network and then did some more work on my portfolio. Then I went to sleep. I set my alarm to wake me up at 1pm, because otherwise I won't wake up. But I did wake up before that, I think it was like 8 because my dog wouldn't shut up. My dog is so annoying when she barks. She seriously just barks for no reason. Anyways I tried to go back to sleep and I kind of did, but then woke back up at 10. I worked on my scrapbook for around 2 hours while watching Life as We Know It, and then ate dinner. Then I worked on it again for what seemed like forever. I'm so stressed out about it. But I did manage to get everything done except for one letter of recommendation and my table of contents. But I'm also stressed out because I am still working on the synthesis essay and it's just not coming together. I wish there was an easier way of doing it. And I still have calculus to do that I don't understand. I guess we have a winter weather advisory right now, so I'm hoping for a snow day!


I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO THIS PAPER!!!!! like seriously! grrrr... so most of my portfolio is done. i think it looks super good!!! cant wait for our day off so i can just finish it. my ribs hurt really bad for some reason and i cannot think about this paper ugh it hurts so bad...

So here's one thing I've learned this weekend...

Working on my portfolio is taking me some time and because of that my back hurts pretty badly right now after laying on my stomach for so long. :) I think it is turing our pretty well though and I'm going to be very happy when I finally finish it (hopefully tomorrow). I didn't start working on my synthesis essay rough draft until today, so I know I'm definitely going to have to work really hard on it for the final draft after we get them back. I feel like all this weight has fallen off of my shoulders as I completed my rough draft because it has been there all weekend when I was unable to work on it. However, I had one of the best weekends as I was able to go with my family to Team State at the Kellog Arena in Battle Creek to watch my cousin and friends wrestle. The Hesperia HS Wrestling Team did their best and placed 2nd in the state! :) I'm looking forward to Individual State coming up on Friday, and I hope this week goes by fast and I hope I feel accomplished as we turn in our portfolio's and continue working hard in class.

S#&$ has hit the fan!!!!

ok i have the essay about johnny got his gun done, and most of my portfolio, thats all good, but because of my ability to not remember, and no one reminded me, i forgot to ask for letter of recomendations for the portfolio. SOOOOOO I think im screwed there!!!!!!!!

Another Post

Well, I got a lot of work to do on my Senior Portfolio. It aint too difficult though. That would suck to fail, because then you dont graduate. Bummer! Well I'll see ya'll tommorow.

So...synthesis essay yeah??

So I'm sitting here desperatly trying to write a decent rough draft for my synthesis essay and I'm really struggling. The thing we are supposed to be explaining doesnt make much sense to me the way its phrased and I find the whole packet really confusing. Im also not sure on how long its supposed to be. It starting to get REALLY frusterating because I want to be able to do a good job on my rough draft so I have something solid to start with for my final draft but I have no clue where to start or how to put my thoughts together. Argh on giant confusing papers....yep just argh....

Johnny Got His Gun and Stuff!!!

First of i would like to share my thoughts about Johnny got his gun, personally i like the book alot. I like the way that the first half of the book is written , it is such a unique way that although it makes thing's confusing it allows for us readers to become more attached to joe, without this bond that develops between us the readers and joe the message of the story would be weaker and the book would ultimately not be as good,

And on a side note this weekend has been extremly busy, i have to finish my synt rough draft and my senior profolio


im ready for a weekend without a lot of homework! it seems like that's all i've been doing lately, i feel like im going to die. As much as i want to enjoy all of my senior year.. i really wish spring break could hurry up so i can finally relax for a while!... if we dont get to much homework over the break(: