Sunday, December 19, 2010

Confused about 1984...

Since I was one of the people who didn't get to share a "quote" or question I had about the book in class on Friday, I thought I would share it here.
I guess that I've never really understood the whole "Thought Police" concept in Winston's society. What I am confused about is how exactly they are able to read minds of the people in the society. And if they are, how come they haven't caught Winston for his free and opinionated thoughts. Which adds another question of mine: Is Winston really thinking these things? If he was, wouldn't he have been caught by now?
These are just a few of the many things I am confused about in the book. Otherwise, so far, I am really enjoying the book (although I will probably re-read the whole first part just to make sure I understand it before our quiz when we return)!

So much Hate!!!!!

The quote that I picked for class but was not able to share is;

"The horrible thing about the two minute hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in."
(p. 14)
This quote demonstrates how much big brother has control of these people. Winston did not truly believe in his heart the things that were coming out of his mouth. Unlike most others, Winston did not actually hate Goldstein, the government had messed with his mind so much that he found it impossible not to participate.
Personally, I can not imagine feeling this helpless. Not having a choice is something that really scares me. What I have a difficult time remembering is that they really are not bad people, this is the way they have been raised or brainwashed and they do not realize how ridiculous some of their actions are.


I haven't gotten my rough draft emailed to me yet, and I was really hoping to start working on it tomorrow. Has anyone else not gotten their rough drafts? I have been waiting for it and I was expecting it on Friday of last week.

I'm really concerned about how my Argument Essay is going to turn out because I thought my Whitman Essay was really good and it was marked up quite a bit more than I was expecting. I'm hoping that my mom can help me with the next essay, but I'm not so sure if it will be good enough. I'm kind of worried....

Argument essays

Mrs. Stariha,
I am a little confused. We were supposed to get our essays back by email. I don't know why but I haven't gotten anything. I am sure I sent it on my school email but I haven't gotten it. I have checked any other email that it might have been sent to and I don't it. So I hope you got it from me. Let me know if you haven't. Thanks!


so many things to do!

I thought I was just cruzin along all good, all the assignments turned in everything, until the end of the week! My brain was suddenly flooded with multiple projects and things to do for this class and I needed to get myself together! So last night, I decided to write down absolutely everything that I had to accomplish sometime over break. Surprisingly this helped me figure out exactly how much time I needed to get my work done. Unlike previous years, this Christmas Break will not be filled with relaxation and an extremely flexible schedule, but it will include necessary work and projects to be planned out. :]

1984: The Quote I chose.

I had chose a quote from pg. 34 near the end of the page. It was:

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed-if all records told the same tale-then the lie passed into history and became truth."

I chose this quote because, it really makes me think. What if, what we learn in school is all a lie, whats written in our textbooks is false?....scary. =/