Tuesday, January 24, 2012

i see a connection!

well after looking at the two essays from today and then having all day to compare them to how Orwell talks about fear. and i think Orwell in a sense relates to both but in different ways. for the first one its how fear is created by higher power in order to have control of people that "need" to be controlled. and then with the second one, i saw the connection with how political party members use fear to win over a crowd instead of the truth because in all honesty fear drives people more than the truth. although everyone can say they would like to know the truth..if you think about it truth isnt going to drive someone to do certain things that are asked of them, however if fear is thrown into the picture people will go to any length to prevent the said fear from happening. in 1984 you can see that, everyone is driven by fear...everything they do isnt done because they want to necessarily but because if they dont there could be some serious consequences. i feel this really connects to the essays and our modern society because in so many ways fear controls our lives, whether it be with ourselves or with our government.

Fear is torture

First off I have to say that I loved our discussion on fear today. In the world today "systems of power" use fear as a manipulatory tool to make people submit to their will. There is a hidden fear in each person about the capabilities that people in charge have. In the past fear has driven people to lie, cheat, steal and even kill. The major crimes committed by systems of power or even by the general populace have been in response to a personal or national fear. In 1984 Winston also has fear. His treatment of fear is slightly different from the two essays discussed in class. Winston's fears power. He fought throughout the entire book to find some crack in the system, some opening to bring the party down. He fears all that the party stands for. Winston fears the treachery and torment the party validates. Over the course of time fear will drive the world to become merciless, cruel, and existence painful. The party feeds on fear. Room 101 demonstrates this. Room 101 is the thing that you fear most. For Winston this fear was of rats. The party used the fear factor to cause people to renounce all they stand for and hold dear. It caused Winston to renounce his love Julia and he screamed for her face to be eaten off by the rats. Winston fears what the government knows and their ability to force people to bend to their will.

I posted as a comment... thought that is what we were supposed to do

"Fear" Comparison

I think that while the first two essays talk about the manipulation of fear in a way that is "bold" I think that Orwell goes about the manipulation of fear in a more subtle way. Winston and the Julia have the constant fear of the Though Police lying hidden somewhere. The US tends to use the fear of terrorist attacks to keep the public "in line"

Of all three I think that the 2nd is the most thought provoking. In stating that the US government always uses fear to keep things under their thumb. It was one of those statements that you always knew was true, but seeing it yourself makes it seem all the more real.


All of these authors show how Governments manipulate people into doing what they want by fear. In 1984 Winston was always scared that they could see something in his face to give him away. Others were frozen by fear not to ever do anything against the party. Then at the end with the whole 'Room 101' that obviously played on their worst fears.

If I had to pick which one had the biggest impact on me, it'd have to be the 2nd essay we read. It really opened my eyes and was like hey wake up this is going on right now. We just kinda let government get away with doing things and don't notice it. I think a lot of it is that were young and most of us don't really care, but were that age now where we have to decide what happens to our generation and those to come.

Post on Comparisons? haha

All three of the authors are speaking on the idea that fear is linked to the government
Orwell's take on fear is directed on Fear generated from the Government's power over the people. The government is in total control and the people (who become aware) are afraid of the Proles and people who are in control.

Lee Wright's view was directed more towards fear and what it can drive people to do. The fear Wright talks about is coming from Politicians. He mentions a quote saying 'there is nothing to fear but fear in itself'. So even though Politicians are intimidating, it's the people who choose what they are afraid of. It's kind of made me think, even by the title, that we make Fear up in our minds and it's a negative thing...because it can drive us to do things we wouldn't normally do.

Noam Chomsky's essay really made me think because...we always view Germany and everything that Hitler did as horribly inhumane...and then it was like...BAM....you American's did the same thing. So gradually I feel like the fear was focused on Power. Yes government has a lot of power...but power in itself is very frightening. Power can drive people 'mad' just because they know they can do what they want and abuse the power. Therefore, I feel like the essay was kind of showing how the government abused its power, and the people didn't really seem to have too much of a say in it.

Yeah...I don't know if that all makes sense, but it makes sense to me!! =)
My sister is singing random words and tunes. It's kinda freaky.
"The story follows a story of young Oliver Twist..." she sings in the beat of "Somebody to Love"
Kinda weird...but awesome!! hahahhaa....

Mr Heiney....One of the BEST!!

I believe that Mr Heiney is one of the best teachers in the shelby school system. maybe even the world. He taught us about history. He taught us the secret scandals behind the history and the real reasons for what occurred. He taught us random things that we will never forget. He taught us about life. And, he taught us about the CLASSICS

He read us excerpts of 1984 in Reading Advisory. I particularly remember him reading the part where Winston shouts "DO IT TO JULIA" because they want to put rats on his face. I remember his expressive voice. He asked us about our greatest fears and what it would take to betray someone else and a bunch of other very thought provoking questions.

Way to go Mr. Heiney for making a lasting impression and making little 8th grade me think!

By Stariha's Request

In 1984 in Oceania the government controls people through fear. There are no "laws" but through fear of what the party and Big Brother may do to you people are kept in line. They are consumed by the fear of what may happen if they move a toe out of line. Orwell uses this fear to make people fear their own government and the possibility of it becoming too powerful.

Does anyone know exactly what the question was?

I knew it was something about comparing the three authors, but I just wasnt sure..

Dumbie BRE!

So.. I did something dumb and I KNEW IT WAS! I bet on a snow day, I through all my cookies in and I bet on one. So i didn't do any of my homework or any of my studying. THEN when my alarm went off, i was like oh shoot, if my alarm just went off, then I don't have a snow day!


I had a quiz first hour, and I knew it all (awesome) and then college english came... and NO TEST!

So even though I was a dumby, I STILLLLLLLLL will make it through this day alive

oh, and in honor of Kurt (this came up when i typed in snow day)

snow days!

so i stayed up sunday super late because i had to finish reading 1984. the ending began to get kinda confusing so i was reading it over again and i starting getting it. So i started working on my op-ed essay. and like i took forever to get going. but once i got going i couldnt stop! i wrote 795 words lol yay me :)these snowdays have been awesome. it was nice to have a nice break


so for this blogging thing do we have to have two posts and one comment.....or one post and two comments.....or two comments and two posts......or....well you get my point
how do you go about failure? are you like to go about it by letting it drive you more or are you to see it as you dont have a clue what you are doing?