Sunday, February 5, 2012

vent vent vent

Wowwww so I feel like college English is really starting to stress me out with the.portfolio and the essay. Maybe its because my other classes have a ton of work too and I'm like ahhhhhhhh lol. But anyways, with our whole oped essay, I'm still confused and I feel like mine is all over the place even though I focused it? Gahhh, I just need to sit down and start over. I feel like this always happens, i end up writing a thousand words about nothing. Okay I should probably stop venting now.

Now that I have that out of my system:

here are my comments:
Dear Maritza and Tonya: Im sorry but i never read colored blog posts. ever.

Dear Everyone: I don't understand why everyone feels the need to make sure everyone knows just what they believe on every issue and I think its kind of weird. Why do we feel the need to back up and say Hey this is what I believe!!! after every debate?

Dear Sarah Lonecki: In reference to your post about FCA and how you can not hold your values to anyone else because they were raised differently, that is totally a universalist argument.

Dear Everyone who doesn't know what universalist is I know there are some of you. Universalist is that idea where everyone believes what they believe and if they believe it with their whole heart and it works for them and they're pursuing that belief then they will end up in Heaven. there are other things that go along with this in addition to what I have just said. If you would like to know my views on this particular subject or any other one please ask. for I dont not have time to post about it for all of you to see.

now Im typing too loud and im in trouble. but those are the comments I cant post anywhere


Every time I go to comment it say "choose a profile, choose a profile CHOOOSE A PROFILE!!!" So I sign out and sign back in. It still says CHOOSE A PROFILE. Dear Blogger I have chosen a Profile!!!!! I signed in 5 times I have closed all other tabs!! I can post but not comment and I hate it!!!!!HELP!

My Life Hates OPED's

I forgot to bring it to class. So I told myself, Veronica you'll be alright, just bring it in right after school. Right after school rolls around. Totally got caught up talking w/Mrs Glerum and Mr I about my audition in a week! (which my the way I'm totally freaking out about and every time I think about it I want to scream and cry and shave my head like Brittany Spears) So then I couldn't find Stariha. So I told myself, Veronica, don't panic just type it up and send it to her when you get home. I get home, sit down at the computer and can NOT keep my eyes open to save my life. fell asleep. darn it. better just go to bed. Saturday: Ok REALLY GOTTA type up this paper for College English. 10k,basketball game, get home and the computer in our house hold is under the use of someone else. I don't want to start confrontation so I leave it alone. They never got off! So Sunday. I'm super sick. Dang it Laura write that stupid paper! Its already done all you have to to is type it and submit it. too sick. Now its too late to type it up because typing is loud (apparently) and its a school night so I can't be typing so loud and keeping everyone up. So, I know that none of this is going to make a difference and I'm still going to get a zero from Stariha for this paper because she doesn't take crap from anyone (not that that is a bad thing) but yeah. I'm off to (quietly so that I don't keep anyone up) scream and cry and shave my head.

so many things to do...

So many things I wanted to do today...and the op-ed wasn't one of them.  Serves me right, I guess, for not doing it on friday.  Maybe I can finish this in time to take care of that "unfinished business"...

More Trouble With my OpEd

Well I'm off writing my OpEd again and I just can't seem to get a hold on it. I know what I want to write about but can't figure out how to get there, especially when it comes to using textual support and outside sources. Have others refuted the opposing side? It doesn't seem like it should all fit in one paper!


So far Ive really liked this book. I think that the perspective is really cool, like going back and forth from flashback to real life. Its a really cool way to show his past but not having to start the story there. I really hope that we can get into deep discussions with this book like what we did for 1984.