Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a bit grim...

I feel that Orwell's depiction of society, as portrayed in 1984, is a particulary negative view. He seems to feel that humanity is unable to keep itself upright, and just. Eventually everyone will give up what they beleive is right and go along with what others are doing. This seems to cause a domino effect and lead to a situation like in 1984. Orwell sees the population as the old 'herd of sheep' metaphore, we all go where the others do! I don't think this is entirely false however. Orwell may have a point that describes political campaigns, commercial advertisements, and fashion trends. Most people are influenced by them and go along with what their friends or family do. In 1984, Orwell portrays Winston as a person who goes along with the way society is, but questions it, much like many of us, including myself in some cases. We're just afraid of the concequences of stepping out of line (the thought-police or Big Brother) and doing something different than anyone else. Altogether I don't think its that far off from what happens in the present, giving us something to worry about.

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