Friday, April 15, 2011

Quick question!!


Letters, interview, survey----------Wednesday

Rough draft------------????

Is that on Friday or Wednesday!? 

Anyway, all the hard work aside, and all the really really time consuming hard work aside as well, I'm thouroughly enjoying this Project.  I actually found a good person to write a letter to on my subject (grade inflation).  He is a professor at Harvard, and has very strong opinons on the matter that reach all the way back to affermitive action.  As for my interview, I'm not toooooooo sure.  I want it to be worthy of quality, and I'm trying my best to stay out of our school when thinking about it... But I'll try my best, and I'm sure it will go (for the most part) smoothly.

Nathan = US Authorities

Nathans relationship with his family is weak. As the father figure everyone looks up to him but in fear not by admiring him. He controls their feelings and beliefs negatively. His daughters and wife believe in Christianity not because of their faith but its what is expected by Nathan. Nathan is feared by his family with the control he has over them. This is closely related to the US Authorities with the Congo. The Congo fears America because of the power and control they have over them. The US authorities control the Congo in their beliefs and way of life. The Price family and the Congo live for others not for themselves which is wrong!

I don't understand!

In class today we were asked to compare the relationship between Nathan and his family, the relationship between America and the Congo, and the relationship between Tata Ndu and his community. I can see how the way Nathan treats his family is similar to the way the United States treated the situation in the Congo, but if these two things are so common then does that mean that Tata Ndu does not treat his people very well? If these three things are suppose to be similar then I guess I disagree. Tata Ndu may not be extremely intelligent but he truly cares for his people. I believe he is the exact opposite of Nathan. Tata Ndu was willing to try new things, (like voting) despite what he may believe.