Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The book is pretty crazy and has made me do some thinking as well as connections with life at the present. The girls in the book are hindered and held down from thier full potential by men, thier race, and poor circumstances. They are defined by all the things that could describe them, but that doesn't have to be that way. In our lives also, we can all be something great, we just have to stop being dumb, lazy, permiscuous, destructive, careless, disrespectful, trashy, and not compromise our own values. Life is what you make it, so make it the best it can be, and don't let your circumstances define you... You control the outcome of your life, so make it one of value and avoid regrets!

random blog

as i was getting on to blog something a song came across my i-tunes
and it made me think...

its one of the dumbest songs i've every heard..
its called true friend by hannah montana.
why is it on my i-tunes then? long story.

but it did make me stop and think..
do true friends or "best friends forever" truly exist?
as i thought, my conclusion was..... heck no!
at least not in this point of life.

friendship takes time, effort, care, interests, caring for each other and love.
a best friend is there til the end and will be by your side no matter what.
soo can a teenage girl fulfill the criteria?

no. there is so much in a teenagers life where some people dont know the things that have really been a blessing in their life.

if you have a so called best friend...
treat them the best that you can! give them all your heart and time as you would a significant other. a friend is one of the best things in life you can have.
cherish them, treat them like gold and you will get that in return (most of the time)

listen to the song and think... does your best friend do all that for you?
if they do.. you have a keeper... if they dont... your search continues.

maybe...if i see evidence that it does exist i will believe... but for now.. im so very doubtful.

Service Project

Well after school today I talked to Stariha and she proposed a new service project for our class to do. It would basically be us going to the elementary school and reading bedtime stories to the kids. We would read little kids books to them and teach/stress the value of reading to them. I think it sounds really easy but still a good job. I don't know what people think about this?...... Im just the messenger so feel free to comment.