Friday, January 20, 2012

just random

wow guys can you belive its already the end of the marking period?! its crazy how fast senior year is reallly going.. i really dont think ill be sad to leave shelby.. at all.. but still i just cant wait to graduate!!! goodluck to everyone on the rest of the trimester


i really liked todays issue (GOOD JOB MARITZA) :D &kaitlin and brianna i think this is a really interesting topic because it can reach into a few of the other issues too like abortion and death penalty.. the way i see it euthanasia can be reallly a good thing for some people but then when i think about it mroe before we were so medically advanced and learned all the different types of medicines and what they can do people were born and died naturally and without certain medicines that prolong peoples life yo a certain point where they want to have euthanaisa the disease would have already over taken them and ended thwir live before so since we mess with diseases and stuff so much it only makes sense that we try to mess with when life and eath should occur and im not trying to disregard medicine because it does some great things and has saved many lives but there are some situations like when peoole go into comas or other extreme situatioms the people would be better left to die naturally instead of prolonged where it becomes humans choice to life.. not to get all godly butbi think god has a plan for wveryone and when they should die and by messing with that we engagae further into moral dilemwas


the quiz on monday well tuesday for me wasnt hard i didnt think i lilked that there was only one short answer because it gave me more time to work on the two essays and go in depth on them i really like tge essays because i feel like its really thought provoking questions/topics .. and yeaah now i just got to read the rest of part three for the test on tuesday and then were all done with 1984 its crazy how fast we went through it and how were already half way through the trimester..! ahh only 1.5 trimesters leftt...

Presentation question

First off, sorry i'm filling up the blog. But.....

Is it better to have more information and less discussion time, or more discussion time and less information.

I've seen both, and well I know we want an equal balance but i'm not so sure that's going to happen. And if it is, how?!!


I really enjoyed the presentation today. In fact I even came home and talked to my parents about it. I believe people should have the right to end their lives, I mean people do it everyday, so why does it change if they are sick or in the hospital? Also, does anyone know how they came up with the name? Because my dad cracked that silly 'youth in Asia' joke.

Thank You

I really want to Thank everyone for how the class went. It was a good conversation and I felt as if people got to voice their opinion. I know it is very difficult to voice in such a large group in the type of setting, but everyone seemed to keep a semi-professional attitude, and I felt as if the presentation went well thanks to the discussions. Thanks again! :D

i am a happy....

well i'm not gonna say camper...because i hate camping with a passion. but anyway...
you guys get what i mean.
i was extremely happy today that we didn't have to turn in our paper.
but mostly because garrett was hounding me the class before about me not turning in my homework
so i was delighted we didn't have to turn it in and i could say ha-ha to him.
but yea...i'm gonna do this paper. before monday, and finish the book. this senioritis has to go.

p.s...good job to the group that went today!

Happy Friday:]

So i'm having a pretty good day. Finished my controversial issue and didn't have to turn in my op-ed essay:D Now I just need to retake [and ace]this Calc test and my day will fantabulous! ;o


I'm soo relieved to have my presentation done!(: I think it went pretty good (hopefully). I loved the arguing at the end:P