Thursday, March 29, 2012


This book is so good! I can't put it down...I reached a really sad part, but it makes me want to keep reading on. I think I am going to finish it tonight and stay up late. Who needs to function on the day before spring break anyways? lol. Oh yes, does anyone know if we have to blog over spring break?


i'm off to fail my anatomy quiz hahaha:/

adding to everyone's thoughts..

I'm feeling pretty happy about this project, despite the stress level lol:) This is the last BIG project that we have to do:D omg, i can't wait lol even the next essay and quizes and tests do not seem as bad anymore:)) haha

Senior Projecto

wellll it really makes me feel like the year is really coming to an end fast because were already focusing on the senior project which just means ones more essay and one more book and were all done, im exited for the color purpole book i really want to be done with poisonwood bible already, haa i guess im like the only one that doesnt really like this book but i just cant seem to get into it. like i get bored, i think the story just kinda drags on too long, i mean comon. lol. but yeahh idk this senioritis needs to chill out too because i need to focus on this paper, but i think it will be fine, i feel pretty confident about my topic

PWB Quiz

welllll i finallly took the quiz from monday yeswterday and i thought it was kinda hard, i agree with everyone or whoever it was that said that we didnt discuss really what was gonna be on the test, i feel like it was more my first interprtation of that section to write the reponses to the questions instead of previous tests where i feel like we discussed all the questuion topiocs throughly in class, but i think it might be better this way for college preperation because i dont know if in my college classes we will discuss the exact concepts that will be on the test. hope it did good :)

Senior Project Ups and Downs

I really like the topic for our senior projects! I think it has a lot of different topics that meld together so well and I'm actually interested in most of it (technology would feel like a broken record).

I'm having a hard time figuring out where to start with my project. I need a book but I won't be able to get that for a couple more day! Ahh! Let me know if any of y'all have suggestions. My topic is conspicuous consumption.

On another note- the more I think about the quiz the more I think I bombed it...

Senior Project.

I refuse to be stressed out by this project. Instead I'm going to remember this is really the last huge thing we have to do until we're graduated. (Sorry Matt)
64 more days.