Friday, December 9, 2011

7 Disney Songs that Explain Procrastination

I don't know if posting a blog with a link to another blog is cheap or not but I figured you would all enjoy this post as much as I did. Check it out-


Sooo I'm hoping that once Ireally dig into research I will be able to find some good sources and get a lot of information... today in the library, I started getting overwhelmed by all of the different options we have for study resources.

Argument Essay... ?

So I'm not sure what I want to do for my topic.... I'm thinking I should either do "Participating in team sports helps develop good character" or "To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food". Both of them are things that I could easily argue and that I would be interested in learning more about (through research). I think I will ask my parents, and see which one they find more interesting.. then they might actually WANT to edit my essay. lol


i was really excited for college english. and i mean, i still am. but...
i hate how much everyone talks.?
like i'm gonna be really, really pissed if i get marked down on my presentation if people can't stop talking?
but it's okay. i think we just need to learn to calm down, a tad bit.

One More Thing

I'm looking forward to break, only ONE MORE WEEK!:D Anyways, i think i'll get off the blog now and actually do some of my essay.


I'm really hoping this rough draft that's due Monday is simply a credit no credit assignment?(: That would totally awesome!

Argument Essay

I'm not sure the topic for my argument essay is very interesting, "A Post Secondary Education Should Be Mandatory." On the bright side I know I have enough information and sources to back up my argument. It's great we have so much time to work on it though!


I'm finally on the blog now, yaaay! So i guess now i have to do my blog and comment for last week, this week and the extra credit for both...


I don't mean to be anul abut this.. but it really bugs me that Noah, Kendra, and Garrett all left their names lowercase while the rest of us put the first letter as capitols... does this make me OCD?


I am very happy to announce that I made it onto the blog! I am a veryyyy happy camper right now.

So does anyone know if we are getting graded on our first draft of the Argumentitive essay? I hope not. I feel like the first one should be like a cushion and it wouldn't hurt our grade at all... not that we have any grades IN at this point :)

It is a lot harder to blog when we arn't reading anything because then there is much less to talk about... just saying :D

week 2;

welll i have say that this week has been pretty easy and i think im getting the feel for how college english is goin to be , i wont die ! lol i just hope i get good grades now, i can already tell that i will be working on many things over christmas break along with cheer practice... you could barely even calll it a break but whatever .(:


well i think that the research for the two projects we are working on right now will be a lot more organized than essays past and hopefully willl assist in a more focused and clear essay too! im also kinda excited to write this paper, i feel like i have a lot of good points and so the only challenging part will be getting enough research on each of the subtopics and writing the actuall essay because i can be a procrastinator :p