Sunday, May 27, 2012

Well College English,
this has been a real good time, I feel like I have learned a lot. Both things that are useful inside and outside of the classroom. I am really going to miss our good old discussion, and Stariha and her man hatingness; but in reality I am a little bit excited to see what this world has to offer and how this class has prepared us. :)
So ill be honest, Im kinda starting to freak out about this whole exam project. I was all about doing it this weekend- like in my mind. BUT my mind forget to tell me that I had to work all this weekend... hmm problem much? Tomorrow I only have to work until 3, so that shall be the time it gets finished. Hurray for summer jobs!... not.

last blog post ever?

awww, wellll since this is my last blog post since there really will be no point in blogging this coming week, i just wanna say how sad ill be to leave ms.stariha and all of you , i really will with graduation this friday, im kinda depressed. but excited for it all too, but yeahhh. idk , im sad now. so im gonna stop typing.
the moment of sudden relief when you finish your presentation final exam project, feels like im already in summer, except for oh wait my life sucks. so thats just great. great summer hu? hope your all in better moods than me.


welll i think that everyone really put on good presentations and that we finished off our last major project on a good foot despite senioritis that was flowing through everyone ..


the joys of presenting... I am excited to be done with this project, but getting everything done has been extremely difficult. I am not a fan... plus i value sleep so I should probably figure everything out and go to bed soon....

I Hate Technology. (yes this will be a whining post, i warned you)

So, wanna hear how editing my final exam video went?
Yes, of course you do!
1. I put everything together, it was done by Friday...then the software I used died.
2. So I re-edited it all on another computer only then to have not save because some file wasn't compatible.
3. So I re-did everything on ANOTHER laptop saved part one, got it on youtube (i worked on that allllllll of yesterday) and then started on part two, i started at 8am this morning, finished part two (it's really wonderful, i'm so proud of this ending) and then IT WON'T SAVE in a completed form. and now i have to go to work. gajkhkdsf,mn.

But no worries, I will fix something and have it ready by Tuesday...hopefully.


Well I'd just like to say that before this class I was very unneducated on the whole consumerism thing, and i'm glad we got a chance to learn about it because:

I was on an international Pen Pal site and I was talking to someone from the Phillippines and all they wanted to talk about was Consumerism and how it is playing out in the U.S.

I find it interesting/sad how their teens are so much more in tune with the world then we are.