Thursday, February 23, 2012

So i just recently watched the movie in time and it reminded me alot about 1984 and how the governent would keep the low class low and the high class high. I suggest people watch it


Pretty happy about tomorrow's work day in class:)

My Quote

Page 235
He had done nothing to them. He wasn't to blame for the trouble he was
causing yet there were drawing the curtain around him stuffing him back
into the womb back into the grave saying to him goodbye don't bother us
don't come back to life the dead should stay dead and we are done with you.

I picked this quote because it shows that Joe was innocent. He had been just a normal man who got himself entangled in a War that cost him everything...everything but his mind. After being stuck inside of 'the womb' for so long, Joe managed to escape for a time only to realize the outside World didn't want the truth. The outside World wanted him to die...they wanted the truths of War to die in order to prevent people from rebelling against it.
This shows how selfish and cruel people are. The men gave Joe a pin which symbols that he was noble and honorable..but if they actually cared and were grateful for Joe giving up everything they would give him what he asked for. But the military is full of chickens because they are too afraid to show the truths because it would mean they would have a harder time finding men to give up save no one.
No one benefited from Joe 'dying' was only Joe's loss.
I was always told to Thank soldiers for fighting for my freedom, so I didn't have to.
But...I don't feel any more or less free now than I did before...I feel lied to.
What is the reason for fighting this time?
Don't even try to tell me, its for my freedom because as long as there is War and Deceit in the government, I'm not free...none of us are.

But why argue, right? Because nothing is going change. No matter how passionate we might feel now...rarely does someone come along and attempt to rebel.
Why do you think there aren't too many novels of the truths of war? And if there are, you sure never hear about them.
(Well I don't anyways...haha)

Goodnight Fellow Bloggers

War What is it Good For?

I was writing my essay when I realized the fine line that divides words like murder, assassination, and killing. On their own don't we associate all of them with bad connotations? But each is used in different situations to sound less harsh than the others. Take for this for example- Osama Bin Laden was killed. Osama Bin Laden was assassinated. Osama Bin Laden was murdered. Doesn't killed seem less violent than murdered? I've never heard Bin Laden's death referred to as murder. Yet in the end they all mean the same thing! Are we really that manipulated?

Walk like a zombie, Headbang like a rockstar, Shave like...Mr.Clean?

Yugh, almost done with the portfolio, looks like one more long night.  The weekend looks brighter than ever and sleeping in never looked so good!  It feels weird having shaved my beard (or scruff, whatever you wanna call it...) off.  I wonder if girl's legs feel this way if they haven't shaved them in months....  I know mine did that one time, but that was after never shaving them, and after 7-8 years of hairy legs.  This is really turning into a weird blog post... You know, I could probably pass for a girl if I put some make-up on.  An ugly one, but a chick none the less...

Also, a reply to Maddie's reply, Tetris came from Rooshia, hence the mother Rooshia puns and the "From Rooshia with fun!" slogan when it came out.


just letting everyone know, Garrett always is wrong...

Random Thoughts...

1. I still think Joe died at the end of the book...I know, I know, y'all don't think he did but I prefer to have my own opinion of the book and interpret it differently.
2. My computer's hard drive just crashed meaning that now I have to try to switch alllll my projects and essays over to my sister's laptop and hope that our backup hard drive worked.
3. Independent Study Physics is killing me.
4. So is lent...I am craving those red vines in the vending machine..
5. I hate Pep Assemblies...yay.
6. This tri seemed to go really insane fast...hmm, graduation is gonna come fast. I'm gonna miss some of you. hahah :p

The false mirror

Previously I posted a bunch of pictures by Rene Magritte. I think that the false mirror perfectly portrays Joe in Johnny Got His Gun, especially since all he can do is think. Behind his eyes lays his world not in front of his eyes; which is a different concept for most people whose world lies in front of them, Johnny is left hopeless and completely alone, no one will listen to him or pay him any attention. So to him the most important thing is his mind and not necessarily his body.

Final Exam

So should I bring in my idea for my final exam to see you (Ms. Stariha) before the exam is actually do? OR should I just do it and wait for the surprise factor in it?


Today's Discusssion

I really enjoyed today's discussion. I felt as if we got a lot of information. I hope we all do well on the test. I feel as if I know the book so much better than the other books (this might be becuase they are sorta connecting in my mind) (like a big spider web)...

Does anyone else feel desperate when you finish JGHG. I felt like I needed to run and breath, and shout and cry, and fight and love all at once... it was really weird.


Just letting everyone know, Kendra is always right.