Sunday, February 26, 2012


SO, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately on war because of all these discussions we've been having, and the book. But Im still left with feeling unsatisfied. I feel like I cannot grasp a real solution to this problem we have on our hands. On one side, I can see the brutality of war, and how it hurts the individual, and how horrible it can be. But on the other hand, I can see how it could be viewed as necessary and defense. For instance, lets say, we all rally together and decide not to fight. What happens when the one group of people in a far out country decide they are going to kill everyone just for fun? Demanding not to have war, is like asking for world peace. Although it would be ideal, is it truly attainable?

Dear Portfolio,

What to say to you of so much frustration,
of long nights working on you,
of confusion of what to do for you,
of unsatisfactory when you look horrible.
of excitement when you look pretty
of sadness when of realization of how much work you are
of accomplishment when YOU ARE DONE.
dear portfolio, thanks for being a PAIN IN MY BUTT, but even more thanks for being done.



I was just thinking about how Dalton Trumbo really was a literary genius. His writing technique has tremendous depth and faucets! I am glad that we read this book in class and connect it with other works to give it additional meaning. When you think about it he took an extremely simple subject (Joe-a man with no arms, legs, mouth, nose, deaf, dumb, and blind) which most people could do little with (except wait for him to die) and wrote a book that has caught the attention of the world. He used so many different styles it blows my mind! Ex. Stream of Consciousness, flashbacks, the dead, the living, Christ, Lazarus. I think he is my new hero lol.....yes I am aspiring to be a writer like Trumbo some day.


So excited to be all finished with my portfolio! I worked all day Saturday on that thing just trying to get it finished because I have had so much homework. :( Oh well one more week and then we get a break! I'm so excited! I have a feeling like my brain is going to be fried by the end of it. Guess there is nothing you can everyone keep going! You can do it! Haha Mallory if you read this that reminded me of Coach P in strength training talking about your "you can do tattoo." Anyways here is a thought I felt was appropriate for exam week and all of us over achieving college english students who are stressed out of our mind lol. Stressed is desserts spelled backward. I think that the two definitely coincide with each other!


Tonya: There is totally math in baking. especially when you have to double a recipe. (good thing there isnt spelling) just messing with ya

Sarah Moon: I don't know how any of the subs could yell at Tyesha, 1st does she ever do anything wrong and 2nd I bet under that shy exterior she could actually beat us all up

Christian: I'm not sure if you could take Stariha out.... you get off topic WAY worse than she does. And you cant talk about lust without getting really red. exucuse me..I mean more red

Noah and the Whale people: this post goes up there with maddies hero cake one!! I lvoe it. but I dont have anything to add im sorry

Johnny vs 1984

So...I have to say I really liked both of these books. And I read them. On time! those are a few things I could seldom say for Brit Lit. I'm really glad I took this class. True most times I want to kill all of you and sometimes Stariha (maybe thats just cause I think I cold beat Kbell in the fight for Jeremy) but anyways I really liked that they both connected pretty well. especially that they were kinda reverse. Joe started where Winston ended and Winston started where Joe ended. You know what I mean?

Johnny vs 1984

So...I have to say I really liked both of these books. And I read them. On time! those are a few things I could seldom say for Brit Lit. I'm really glad I took this class. True most times I want to kill all of you and sometimes Stariha (maybe thats just cause I think I cold beat Kbell in the fight for Jeremy) but anyways I really liked that they both connected pretty well. especially that they were kinda reverse. Joe started where Winston ended and Winston started where Joe ended. You know what I mean?

Well....Here comes exam week

Its not the MOST stressful weekend of my life but its definitely the 2nd. Controversial issue on monday. portfolio on monday, test tues-wed. project thursday. synthesis friday. plus an anatomy packet that is trying to eat me and the spanish language breathing down my neck and a video for guitar class.....all I can say is Thank the Lord for band and that lab day on friday!!!!


I have no clue what to do for my end of the year project....i guess maybe tomorrow when i have time with thy evil one ideas will be inspired


I hate this whole blogging thing being part of a grade because i dont know what do blog half the tiem. I go to blog and sit at a computer for like 20 mins thinking what to blog what to blog then im like ohh whatever maybe something will come to me later....and it never does

Math and Baking

So I don't know if this will be acceptable but I'm just going to hope so cause its going in. For one of my academic skills I am using math and I am relating it to baking. Yeah lame I know but guess who doesn't have any academic skills .... this girl. So yeah ohh well ahh just contribute this to the fact that being mediocre is Suckey and there's no good academic points to pull out of my past high school career. :P


For my resume...
In my portfolio...
Am i supposed to put the second page with my references in there?
Or not?
And if so its gonna have to be on a page all by itself and it looks kinda bad because its pretty much a blank piece of paper....
so i am sick AGAIN. this sucks. anyway, i have a high fever and i can't keep water down soo it's safe to say i will not be school tomorrow.
- i sent you an email but just to be safe, my mom will be bringing my portfolio in the morning so i get a grade and can graduate. i will run my antigone lines at home. okay.


today i was pretty mad about my stupid job.
i was trying to finish my portfolio (that i need to graduate.) but no....i have to work from 4:30-2 a.m. so right now, its 2:27 in the morning (the time that i should be sleeping), and i'm working on my portfolio. i'm freaking out...a lot, because i can't find my camera cord that hooks to the computer, and i don't have an exhibit for flexibility, and whats his name didn't give me a recommendation letter, and neither did stariha.
so i think that i probably won't be graduating.