Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Orwells View

The society in Oceanina described by Orwell in his 1984 novel was very depressing. Everyone was always feeling watched. Think of how it would be if you new everything you did and even thought could be seen by someone. You would never be completely comfortable. Things could get out of control like that. He's trying to show what society could be like if we let someone or something get too much control of our lives. Would not be able to live happily or sanely.


  1. That is a great point Brian, I would feel very perserved if i was always being watched. Can you imagine if there were though police, and you couldnt think, write or act. OH YEAH with though police you wouldnt beable to think!!!!!

  2. Very good point Brian, never knowing what thoughts are being listened to is a pretty scary thing. People would be very fearful because almost anything could be punishable.
