Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Bluest Eye ******SPOILER ALERT!!*******

I finished reading The Bluest Eye on Thursday, and I have to say that the ending was not at all what I expected. I do not understand how or why the girl got her blue eyes. I mean, I know why she wanted them, but why would the church guy give them to her, and how could he? Is this some kind of metaphor for something else? Noble told me that Pecola just went crazy and is imagining all of the ending (with her blue eyes,) but this doesn't make much since to me either! I wish that there was more then just three of us reading this book so that we could talk about this as a class, but at least it is Noble and Eric, and I know they can help me out. Im counting on you boys!

Personal Narratives..

I'm actually having a lot of fun with this assignment. I like how we are able to write in any style we want to (pretty much). Too bad all our writing assignments aren't like this one. Oh and I was also wondering about the new community project, if we go read the storybooks to the elementary schoolers what day would we be doing this on?

See you all tomorrow


I honestly have no clue what to talk about.... My personal narrative was pretty awsome to write. It felt good to get some of the things I've struggled with for years off my chest in a creative way. To be able to use words in a way that isnt boring or educational was a fun and different experience for me. It was It kinda hurt though...rehashing all of those old emotions and memories was painful at first. I wrote about a really dark time in my life and getting it all out on paper was almost theraputic...or maybe thats just my bizarre counselor side showing. Either way I really loved this assignment!! I'm hoping there will be more like it in college classes. As a side note I've officially fallen in love with a band called Iron and Wine. They happen to be completly amazing. Their songs have an almost haunting ring to them. They make me think of freewrite music which is honestly why they're blasting through my speakers as I search for inspiration...its sorta working!

Personal Narrative

I have been revising my personal narrative a lot. It is slowly, but surely coming together. My paper is pretty personal and there are only four people in the class that I really feel comfortable sharing with. They should all know who they are. So I guess that is about it.. 10 more days of school! :)

My Blog

I did enjoy writing my personal narrative. It was way better than writing an essay or something. I also like reading other peoples. The Color Purple is coming along. I enjoy reading it. Well hopefully this week goes by fast. Adios.

Through the Looking Glass

The personal narrative is a nice break. It gives us a change of pace and a chance to be creative in the midst of our hard research project. For me, it also made me look back at the last 17 years and decide what was a big part of those years. It was a nice reflection and a 'through the looking glass' moment. As we approach graduation, its a big milestone and this personal narrative has made me slow down and look at where we've gotten. It's amazing! It seems like it has taken so long to get here, but we're not even close to starting our lives. Just from a simple personal narrative project have I derived this conclusion. I think the rhetorical analysis has kinda changed my brain, because now I think way too much into things! Maybe that's good... :]

The Bluest Eye quotes

I have finally finished the bluest eye and I would like to share some of my favorite quotes from the book. The first one is found on pg 48 when pecola goes to buy some candy from Mr. Yacobowsi she says "He does not see her, because for him there is nothing to see. How can a fifty-two-year-old white immigrant storekeeper with the taste of potatoes and beer in his mouth, his mind honed on the doe-eyed Virgin Mary, his sensibilities blunted by a permanent awareness of loss, see a little black girl? Nothin in his life even suggested that the feat was possible, not to say desirable or necessary." Another of my favorite quotes is found on page 177 in Soaphead churches letter to god he says "In retaining the identity of our race, we held fast to those characteristics most gratifying to sustain and least troublesome to maintain. Consequently we were not royal but snobbish, not aristocratic but class-conscious; we belieed authority was cruelty to our inferiors, and education was being at school. We mistook violence for passion, indolence for leisure, and thought recklessness was freedom. We raised our children and reared our crops; we let infants grow, and property develop. Our manhood was defined by acquisitions. Our womanhood by acquiescence."

Smooth sailing

This past week has been pretty good!  I've written a nice Personal Narative, The Color Purple is rolling along at a fast pace, and graduation is just around the river bend!

good good good nice nice nice flow flow flow

I can't think of anyother words right now...

All in all, I'm looking forward for the next week and whatever it brings!


I just wrote the last paragraph of my personal narrative with tears in my eyes. It is about how I used to be completely dependent on my father until a year or two ago. I never want him to find it.

The Color Purple & My Personal Narrative

So, I am moving along pretty well on The Color Purple. Since I will be gone on Tuesday for my Orientation at Grand Valley (yay!), I will have to make sure that I read far enough ahead to be ready for discussion on Wednesday. I really like the sections where Nettie is writing to Celie from Africa. Although Celie is not reading the letters as they arrive (because of Albert), it still gives her messages that much more meaning because Celie didn't know about them in time to write back. Nettie's dedication to Celie shows that although they are both struggling (in different ways), they are still there for each other no matter what. Even though Celie hasn't been writing back, Nettie writes in hopes to reach her and because she really has no one else to turn to and express her feelings towards.
My personal narrative rough draft was not so good because I wrote it more as an essay instead of a narrative. I don't think that it will be a problem for me to transform it into one because I already have developed points about how music defines me and makes me feel. I have many (specific) stories I can use to express what I am trying to say, so hopefully I can just tie them all together and make it more of a chapter book with different experiences rather than just using one. I'm looking forward to sharing our stories. :)