Sunday, December 19, 2010

So much Hate!!!!!

The quote that I picked for class but was not able to share is;

"The horrible thing about the two minute hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in."
(p. 14)
This quote demonstrates how much big brother has control of these people. Winston did not truly believe in his heart the things that were coming out of his mouth. Unlike most others, Winston did not actually hate Goldstein, the government had messed with his mind so much that he found it impossible not to participate.
Personally, I can not imagine feeling this helpless. Not having a choice is something that really scares me. What I have a difficult time remembering is that they really are not bad people, this is the way they have been raised or brainwashed and they do not realize how ridiculous some of their actions are.


  1. Great reflection Emily... and it shows the power of the government to actually make you do and say things you do necessarily believe. Interestingly, this becomes increasingly important as the book goes on. The question of how much the government actually can control the the individual mind is huge. This also shows the need for belonging among the people and how that is manipulated by the government to maintain control!
