Monday, January 3, 2011

I guess I will just post something...

So, I got on tonight real quick to post about our blog for our homework assignment, but I'm not sure what we are supposed to do. I guess I will just say that I am very nervous about our first quiz over book one of 1984 tomorrow and I hope I will understand everything the quiz asks me or tells me to write about. I like the book so far and I feel like I understand it, I just hope I can answer questions and write with great detail and use correct examples from the reading so far. I have been tabbing my book since we started reading and I just added a few more tonight, so I am hoping they will help me a lot. Good luck tomorrow everyone! I think we are all going to need it!

I have decided...

I have decided that I can NOT let the stress I'm feeling with this class get to me! It seems like there is so much that needs to be done. You're right, Ms. Stariha: the workload in this class is more than I am used to. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm kind of frustrated with the miscommunications we have had recently, but that is probably due to being on break and things like that. Hopefully, this will improve.

I'm really nervous about the 1984 quiz tomorrow. I can't imagine what it is going to be like and I think that is the main reason why I am nervous. Also, I'm not very good with essays if they have anything to do with any sort of reading material. I remember the major points in a novel or short story, but the specifics that usually get talked about in essay questions slip my mind. I'm too distracted by turning the book into a movie in my head to focus on the little things. Even though I rarelly see the faces of the characters, I imagine what their voices sound like and that is usually the most interesting part of reading for me. I come up with numerous different styles of voices in my head and that is the only way I can decyfer one character from the next. Every once in a great while, I'll invision a silhouette or two, but other than that, it's scenery and voices.

I'm really hoping that this won't have a HUGE effect on my quiz grades, but I'm terrified that it will...

1984 quiz tomarrow! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I am so nervous for the quiz tomorrow! I hope that an essay quiz is not as difficult as it sounds!!! Many of my classmates know that I stress out over silly things, but this is really stressing me out! What if I don't understand what the quote means? What if I can't find the quote in the book? What if a ginormous gust of wind blows by me in the hallway and all of my sticky notes fall out of my book and I can't use it on the test?! I will not stress..... I will not stress....... I will not stress....... Nope that definitely didn't work!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our First Week Back!

It's the first week of the new year and I already feel overstressed and exhausted! Anyone feel this way too? We have the 1984 Quiz, Argument Essay, and my group's Comparative Issue Project is due Friday. I so regret asking to go first :/

Well I don't know what else to blog; oh! I did watch the movie "1984" last night! It was so creepy! It defiantly wasn't one of my favorite '80s movies!!!! The music scared me the most, I blame being in band! If anyone else has a chance to watch, take it! It's worth it!


In our argument essays, should our title at the top be in bold or not? In the example that was given in class the title is not bold, but on a example from the Internet it is. What did other people do?

WTB? (What the blog?)

I'm not sure what to blog...
Hope this helps.

1984 is a good book!  Lots of connections!


I just got a school email address! It's
Or you can use the address I gave today during class it's: