Thursday, January 5, 2012


I think that Winston struggles with his sense of belonging all through the first book of 1984. He has no family, his love life with his wife was horrific and painful for him and he constantly searches for something to satisfy his need to fit in a normal envionment and to be able to share with others. His fellow "comrades" may wear the same clothing and work in similar jobs but most do not share in Winstons unorthodox beliefs and his hatred for the party and big brother. If they do share his ideas they all must keep quiet because of the thought police. Then.....Winston meets Julia. When she passed him the note that said "I love you" she opened his heart and soul and he reached out to connect and share with her in ways that had been repressed such as through emotional connection, sexual connection and through cognitive connection. Winston finally has someone who wants to belong to him and all that he stands for and he wants her as well.


I found an example of esteem being met in 1984. Not for Winston but for Mr Parsons. Mr Parsons takes pride in his kids. "All they think about is the Spies, and the war of course..." and then he rambles about his AMAZING children. Actually I think the whole Spies and Junior Anti-Sex League fulfill the need of Esteem. Like "YEAH CELIBACY!!!!"

My Thought Today

I had an interesting trail of thoughts today that I thought I would share!

When we were discussing Maslow's needs I thought of how Winston mentions that no one is particularly good looking even though the government claimed to have figured out how to only show the best traits. At first I thought it showed that there was a flaw in the government. Then today I thought that maybe it was intentional. Maybe to keep their esteem low they made them all ugly. After some more thought I decided to nix the idea. I think that only Winston and a few older people even understand what beauty is.


So I didn't know what INGSOC was and after reading Sarah Moon's post, no one else knows either. I looked it up and here is what I found...

Ingsoc (“English Socialism”) originated after the socialist party took over, but, because The Party continually rewrites history, it is impossible to establish the precise origin of English Socialism. Oceania originated from the union of the Americas with the British Empire. Big Brother and Emmanuel Goldstein led the Party’s socialist revolution, yet Goldstein and Big Brother became enemies.


tomorrow is the first contraversial issue debat thingy and im pretty excited for it to hear all the reseach and learn about each side more in-depth , also it will be interesting to see this class especially with all the opinionated people sit through this without an outbreak over contrasting view points, oh mannn were in for something special tomorrow ahahaha (: goodluck to jens group.


by taking away the maslow hiarchy needs they repress the society so much to a point that they have no resembelence to humans, they are really formed into robots just barely functioning off the bare minimum , no human alliances can be formed and no rebellion takes place because the people dont have the group mentatlity or knowledge to do it, they have been brainwashed to think they dont need anything besides the necesties & big brother to survive. people think oceania is a great place because they dont know any better and they are okay with no belonging or security because its how they have been raised to be, they are really all lost soles that try to attach on to anything and since the government cuts all other ways of belonging and happpiness they can only attach themselves fully to the government and its projects.

quiz ;

i thought the quiz wasnt too bad, i feel pretty good on what i wrote so hopefully i get an A. also making it open book and open note really helps because i think that when quiz asks specific questions its better to be able to support it with evidence that you cant just memorize in your head, and im glad its not like super random questions that are only mentioned once and are testing how closely you read.. if that makes sense? either way it was a good first quiz and also i like 1984 a lot , its reallly interesting and reminds me of this other thing ive been researching latley called the illuminati , i realllly think it would be interesting to talk about this is comparison with 1984 because it is VERY similiar , and even the symbolism.