Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bel and the Serpent

In Leah's first section of What We Learned, I noticed that she had finally stood up for herself but talking back to Nathon. Her father as well as the other men in the village did not belive that a female should hunt along with the men. Nathon stating to Leah, "You're only causing trouble, and I forbit it." Finally, Leah stands up for herself yelling back "I'm going with the men and that's final." showing that she now is making a transformation and is deciding to stick with it. No longer will her father push her down or treat her like she has been treated. As Kingsolver had stated, Nathon went crazy. That night the girls were terrified and even slept with knives, and metal pans. When reading this I could picture all the girls extremely terrified and just shaking under their covers. To think that Nathon was the total opposite of now is almost unbelieveable. Things definitely changing and I wish we could discuss the rest of the chapter as a class.

Questions About the Book.

So I was kind of wondering about some ideas in the book... And I just thought to put them on here... 1. What was the second thing Anatole conviced Leah to do (besides teach)? 2. Since when is the Mamba snake's mouth blue? 3. What was Anatoles dream (from the quiz)? 4. Where was nathan through the whole "ant catastrophe"?


Today we are researching in class! This is a big deal because it is what will write the majority of our papers. Mrs. booklet tips really help. Not being random and actually making good searches has helped save alot of time. Being organized is key in a project like this. I have no idea of who I am going to intereview?!!! If anyone has any ideas of who might know about International Competition let me know because I am desperate!!!


I am so glad we are working in the lab right now, I feel that I am going to get at least something done.. then I will feel a bit better about the project! And I hope we find out who is in our groups soon!