Sunday, May 22, 2011

almost there..

Well I'm getting close to finishing up my research paper, its coming along pretty good. But the main problem I'm having is that some of my information is not strong enough to build a long discussion off of it. But either than that I'm actually glad that my group is the first to go because that just meanst that we'll be the first to get it over with and we'll have the rest of the week to watch everybody else present and not have to worry about ours. Good luck everyone!

Can it be?

Could it really REALLY be?!? The end of school just a few days away?! I cant believe it! This year has gone by so fast!! Not to say that there havnt been times where its gone soooo slow that I wanted cry BUT overall its flown!! Only two major things left. One of which being my research paper. Its done and I think it might be ok...but I'm horrified to press the send button!! Theres something finishing it and doing all the editing you can and then actually sending it away. Maybe thats how our parents feel when they send us to college. Like they've done all the work they possibly could but just arn't quite ready to have it evaluated. Kind of a strange thought...comparing a person to a paper. I guess that just goes to show how huge this class has been to me lately. Its really helping though! Despite the stress and occasional tears as I sit, still awake, at 3 in the morning trying to put finishing touches on some phrase or another. I must say that I do enjoy writting now...which I never would've thought was possible like...24 weeks ago! When people say you dont like it because your not very good at it they seem to be right. The changes in my writting style and just transitions alone is clear between my argument essay and this giant paper. Though thats not to say I'm perfect...just to say that I'm better than I was!! So in a very round about way I'm simply trying to say thankyou! Not just to Ms. Stariha although she deserves it, but to the whole class! Our conversations and debates have been PRICELESS!!! I have learned so much and have grown in my opinions to the point where my old self looks just a tad pathetic. But there I go again...rambling...maybe I should hit that little send button and get some sleep!

Can't Wait

Well I can't wait for this week to be over. And i guess know one else knew the answer to my question either....oh well. I just hope this class doesnt prevent me from graduating. That would suck. But hey, one more full week of our high school careers. Crazy.

Just A Lil' Bit Further...

So as our last week of high school comes upon us, I feel anxious and invigorated!!! My group is the first to present, and our research papers are due tomorrow. I can't wait to get out of highschool and to start my life. Recently it seems like this year is ending very badly in my case... and I'm just not sure of how to shake it off....So instead I am just throwing myself into my studies..... weeeeeird lolol

stress...almost over...

getting my paper done, meeting with my group this weekend, and being done with the reading has helped taken the stress of my shoulders!
i have been so overwhelmed with everything but its finally cutting down...
i feel ready for thursdays presentation and im ready to finish this senior project.
if i am stressing now i can only imagine how next year is gonna be!!! :/
ms stariha! be ready for lots of emails from me... :))

Final week......

This is our last full week in class, and im excited.
I'm sick of high school and college english right now to be honest.
This research paper has got me frustrated because its hard to go
in depth on certain aspects of the paper when their is no research
out there and its becoming very tedious. Im ready to have this
paper, and the presentation done!

The End is Near (not the end of the world however)

I am kinda excited for this week. It's like we're on the downside now, and the presentations will be a good ending. The end of the year is coming so soon, and so fast!! It's a releif to get my research paper done with, and my slides of our powerpoint are super close to being done.
As much as we dislike the project now, I feel like if I could survive this, then college is going to be a bit easier. It's like a preview of what's to come, which I like. :]


Do we need an annotated bibliography tomorrow or just a reference sheet? or both?

Finishing My Paper.

Reading through my commented rough draft, I noticed a note from Ms. Stariha saying that I need more development of the faultiness of the sequential grade structure we use. In reading this, my soul sunk. I have been looking for the past 8 weeks for research for or against the current sequential grade structure, and I have found NONE. Upon talking to Prof. Boerema from Calvin College, he told me that I may not find research for this particular topic because it is one that is not discussed heavily. He said that we don't want to talk about it because we don't want to change it, and things of that nature. I am afraid that I will do terribly on this paper because I have no evidence supporting the faultiness of the system. It's not because I didn't try. It's not because I slacked off. It's not because I procrastinated. It's because it was not available to me.

On the Research paper.....

Are the references supposed to come first, then the graphs and survey results?

Or are the graphs and results first, then the reference page last????

Or doens't it matter?


OKAY so i dont about you guys but i feel releived to be finally done with this stupid Senior project. Now its only group work. Can anyone help me remeber when our group is going, i hope not wensday because i have a staff meeting soooooo..... yeah its for a job?? Also i dont know if our group got together today or not, NO ONE called me to let me know sooooo.

Senior Project

Everything is finally coming together! I got my section of the powerpoint done and today our group is meeting. What a relief. I've been working on my paper all weekend and got some great feedback last week on it. Its almost finished! I have to say getting help from Mrs. Stariha really helps a lot because I understand things a lot better after I talk to her. The test on friday also went well I thought. Here comes the points for the grade book! I cant wait to see how I have done! :)