Sunday, December 11, 2011

So I was just on this other blog and there was this quote that said "you cant just sit around and wait for things to happen, you have to make things happen". Well this really made me think of my papers for college engligh, sometimes I just think that maybe if I sit here and stare at the computer screen for long enough that the paper will write itself. Sadly, papers never write themselves :(... oh well. But they sort of do when you get to write about football players...? :)

Sooo, the title of my essay is "meatheads or misunderstood beings", ha I'm kinda excited about it.



I'm really frustrated with this essay.
I just don't get how this is supposed to be different than a persuasive essay.
I know we talked about it but it still doesn't make sense.
I don't understand the format.

And I thought Stariha was gonna put Jake's essay up there as a student example?
I can't find it.
And I'm trying to do research and I'm finding a lot of information and I don't know what to use or if it even goes with my topic or what.

Stumped and Unsatisfied.

Well this paper couldn't be going worse. No, I take that back. Of course it could be going worse but right now it feels about as low as it can get. I keep hitting dead ends. I start a paragraph and then just run out of things to say and I can't come up with fluff like I use to be able to. I'm at 2 pages and am trying to figure out what to do with the paper. I know exactly what I need but have no idea or confidence to get me there. I'm glad this is a rough draft... but I'm also concern that I am getting too use to this revising method. I use to be able to write an essay... just like that... with the first draft only needing slight revision. I don't know what happened but it makes me sad.


I am sooo stressed.
I knew this was going to happen.
I have been dreading College English for so long and now its here and everything I feared is happening.
We have so much happening at once.
I'm so busy during the weekdays.
And the weekend is supposed to be my time to recharge.

No such luck!
I have spent allll daaay working on calculus, personal finance, and now college english.
It's just too much for me.
I don't know if I can do this for the rest of the year.
I think I am going to cry :'(

Topic Shmopic

I'm having issues with my argumentative essay. I had a topic picked out, that wasn't on the list, and now I'm trying to pick one on the list but I can't really connect with any of the topics, it's very frustrating, especially since I have to have this thing written by tonight grrrr


So my essay rough draft won't be in MLA format due to the fact that we dont have word at my house and I hand wrote it all. I hope thats not a huge deal..


well idk how good this rough draft is gonna be, but i hope you don't expect much Stariha because I am kind of sucking at this paper right now...


oh man this argument essay reallly snuck up on me i need to get a lot of research and my rough draft done today .. well todays gonna suck lol .. & i should probably research the controversial issue tooo .. welll time to get to work .. im soo ready for it to be christmas break already /:

My Work Day: Sunday

Well usually my Sundays can be completely dedicated to essays. I usually convince my parents I have to much work to do to go to church and instead stay home so that I can begin procrastinating early on in the day. Today, for example, I got out of church but made/ate french toast (the best french toast I have EVER made mind you) for the entire hour I would have been at church. See, I'm not very productive early on. Now I'm starting (well hopefully) yet I keep thinking this is not my usual work day Sunday. You see I have a darn concert today... and I'm not really sure what time it's at but I know it's going to be right in the middle of my creative flow and I won't be able to bounce back to my paper with ease. I'm also thinking about changing the subject of my paper which doesn't matter too much because I haven't started but I'm questioning whether its a creative leap I should take. All I know is that I keep looking outside my window and thinking "This would all be ok if we had snow."

Teesha's thoughts??

I got the blog to work!!! =D
Anyways...I just thought I would share a few of my thoughts on things we have discussed in class.
First of all...that Poem was very confusing. I understood the overall meaning of the Poem, but I believe it can still be interpreted in different ways. My essay explained all of that though. =P

The Controversial Issues will be very interesting during this class because we have some very loud, outspoken people. =P I don't really know if that's the best way to explain that, but hopefully we all have the ability to conduct ourselves in a mature manner. I think the class needs to really work on actually listening to each other. Everyone gets SO caught up in what they want to say next, that they aren't really even listening to the other sides of things. I believe that this isn't going to help anyone learn anything...we all have to be willing to listen. Besides...if we don't take the chance to listen, how are we going to learn?

Oh...and that whole Animal Testing issue...I don't know if I can handle that. Just a warning for everyone...I know I will probably cry through the whole thing. hahaha.... even what we talked about in class the other day, just broke my heart. I wouldn't want to hear about people being tortured or anything like that...and not animals either. It's just..ugh...anyways. =P hahaha...
I'm eating soup. =)