Thursday, May 3, 2012

Alas- It is Gone

My computer died.  It finally died.  We all saw it coming.  It was slow and noisy and hated the summer heat and then grew to just hate everything and now it's finally dead.  I guess I always assumed it would at least last me through high school.  It almost made it too.  Unfortunately, it decided to die at the least convenient time.  After I neglected it for laptops all year I returned to my computer homeland to write my research paper.  Though it almost screwed me over, I managed not to lose anything.  I will miss it though.  Each letter I type brings sadness.  Sigh,  at least it had a couple good months.  Fear not, it went painlessly in its sleep.

RIP Ol' Thing

I love this Book!

Well the rain inspired me to sit and read all afternoon even though that was probably not what I should have been doing with my time.  But I love The Color Purple! I don't know why this surprises me.  I never assumed I wouldn't like it but I'm straight up enjoying it (after you get past the the harsh bits)! It has turned into such a beautiful story I fear for a bad ending! After such a rough start and so much progress I don't want anything else to happen to Celie!

Personal Narrative

How many drafts do we have for this essay?

Acting =P (inspired by Stariha and Hannah)

I was walking over to Peer Tutor two days ago practicing my monologue out loud because I was all alone. "Comfort Forswear Me!!!" Then I hear a voice say "Practicing I see." Mrs. Shamber walked out of the Middle School while I was practicing. LOL I was like..."Yeah...he he he." So yeah, Acting causes lots of good stories. Also, I cannot stop talking in British Dialect. =P P.S. I hope I spelled the principle's name right. I LOVE The Bluest Eye!!! <3 (There, now it's related to this class too.)


Of course... The day we have a quiz, I just HAVE to get sick...
Hopefully I'll be better so I can take it tomorrow.