Friday, December 10, 2010

College English

I was really worried about coming into college english, but I have learned so much in this class. People told me that it was so hard, but it would be rewarding in the end. I am excited to get started in this class and hopefully improve my writing skills. I know that I will end up with the same reward as other people have had. I cant wait to get started!

Here I go

I was really nervous coming into this class, because I knew it was going to be a challenge. See, I'm not the best writer actually I'm a terrible writer. I cannot organize papers, and I tend to ramble and mix in a bunch of junk. Many seniors decided to not take college english, and not put themselves up for a challenge, however last year when we were picking our classes I said I want to exceed my expecations for myself so by entering this class, I think it will happen.

In the two weeks that we have had class I have learned SO much already. I'm starting now to plan and think deeply about what I am going to write down on my paper. Before, I was one of those students who would sit and write..and not stop to think abotu what was going on. But all that is changing and I'm really looking forward to this change. (:

College English

When I first signed up for this class my thoughts were that I would actually be taking a class that would prepare me and show me how a college class would be ran. My concern is this class is going to be harder than expected but Im ready to see what the "Real World" is all about. I'm want to improve my writing skills and ready to learn new techniques. The one thing I appreciate about this class is its on an adult level and when you debate about a topic we can say how we really feel at a appropiate and respectfully level. I hope to keep my grade up and do well in this class so I can be prepared for college.

Improvment Already.

Through our Whitman essays I have already noticed improvments in my planning and writing. For starters I actually took the time to sit down and plan! Instead of the usual sitting down and writing it out with no outline to begin with. I have learned so much during classtime on how to become a better writer and have already and will continue to applly it to my writing. I feel more confident about my writing thanks to the time taken in class to go over how to write a good paper.
Ms. Starhia I have learned sooo much already, THANK YOU! ;)

Off With A Bang!

Last night I was feeling ambitious! Knowing that I have large priorities this coming weekend I decided to start planning my rough draft for my argument essay. I've already picked my topic and did some research, so I had a general idea what I wanted to talk about. So taking Ms. Stariha's advice and turning off any electronic distractions (ex. tv, computer, phone on silent) I started brainstorming an outline.
Surprisingly it turned out quite well! After about 45 minutes of deep thought into my chosen points, I found myself with a detailed and example-backed-up outline of an essay. I was pleased. Since I'm normally a person who doesn't plan out an essay, I just kinda keep writing whatever comes to mind, an outline helped keep my thoughts focused, at least for me.
Not only do I have some stress off my shoulders, I have an excellent idea of how to write my essay, and whats in it (with no tangent bunny-trails, always a problem).