Friday, March 2, 2012


Just checked my grades and I'm even happier to say that i finished AP calc with a B+ !:D


Soo happy to be done with exams:D


lets just say i had a whole blog created and it didnt go threw cause someone was making pages to the page... not a happy camper. ha but anyways what i said in my last blog was i wasnt sure if we had to blog this week so i decided i do it now cause i have nothing else to do so yeahhh. that sums it up id say.. oh and i thought yesterday was nice..everyone had such different projects and all were cretive so if i were the teacher lets just say id give you all A's!! :)

synthesis essay

ughhhh i dont wanna write this anymore. i wanna be done and stresss freee my essay sucks i just cant do this type of essay just kill me shoot, like i reallly dont even know how to make it that much better... i fail at life.


welll one good thing about the 2 hour delay was that our test got cut in half yeaaaa buddddddy!!! thats a lot of hand cramps i saved myself. plus i feel like it was more reasonable that way bc there was really no other way to do it .. still havent gotten the quiz grade back yet so theres a lot of grades that need to go into the gradebook i really have no clue what my grade is gonna be


wellll i have to say not having an actual written test made me feel a lot better but idk i hope we stil get a good grade on our collage even if it seems kinda plain.. we worked really hard on it so yea.. but now i just gotta worry about this essay .. killl me.