Tuesday, December 14, 2010

50 years from now...

I really enjoyed the free write today on the "50 years from now..." I started writing my paper as a story but wasn't able to finish it all. Here's a little bit of my free write...
I wake up feeling sore and extremely tired. I stand up to go to the mirror as I always do to wash my face, when I realize that it is not me. My face lokos worn down and my hair isn't a black shiny color. I notice wrinkles that I hadn't seen before on my face. Questions are running through my head. "Where's my Mom, Dad, sisters, Daisy, and Mason?" I'm so confused and I instantly break down into tears. I run outside and don't see any type of nature. All I see are buildings with skyscrapers. I become so terrified! All I want is to see my family. I start walking back to my bedroom and see that my television looks different. Everything is out of the screen, it looks as if it isn't even a television. "Monday, December 13th, 2050." states the T.V announcer. "50 years?!" I start running around the house looking and shouting for Mason. I assumer he has to be here somewhere. He always comes over by this time in the evening. I walk around the corner and suddenly I see him. I tiredly run towards him and hug him tightly. I instantly start sobbing hysterically asking him questions that could literally fill up the room. When I finally stop sobbing, he looks at me very confused.
And that is as far as I got. But I really enjoyed writing this and thinking about how life is going to be so different 50 years from now.


  1. I really liked this free writing assignment also. I like to think about what the future will be like, and i really like how you see your future!

  2. Your free write was really good Nora! Way to write emotionally yet seriously at the same time. It is somewhat sad at how different your world is after 50 years, and it is even more sad knowing that some of those things have a very high possibility of actually happening. Overall, you did awesome! Way to go! :)

  3. I like it Nora! I think it's ironic how all the girls write about the deep ideas and the guys write about sci-fi techno-crazed ideas!
