Friday, January 27, 2012


I had a lot more I would have liked to say during the discussion but I didn't really feel it was fair for me to speak on the subject when I didn't even watch the presentation. As for me i'm completely against it, just for personal reasons. But I can see why others would agree with it and understand their point of view, I just don't agree. But.............

That's what makes it all so great! Were not robots who have to think the same thing as each other, no one is forcing us to believe any certain way. And that's why I think we may never end up like 1984. Because we all can think for ourselves. And frankly, I don't think that will ever change.

Op-Ed confusion

I was told today that the Op-Ed rough draft was due this past monday, is that right cause i dont remember being told to turn it in or anything. I just went with what the purple calendar we were given at the start of the tri and that said that a rough draft was due today(Friday) but we werent told to turn anything in today either. So what should I do stariha?

Yay the weekend!!!

I am so happy that this week is done and over with! It is so nice to have that big 1894 test and my groups controversial issue finished. I feel like I can breath for a little while. I am really excited to get going with the new book, I am sick of 1984 although it would be nice to just sit and talk about it in class for awhile without having to take any tests over it or something. Well everyone, I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and get some much needed rest!!
I can easily see both sides, and its really hard to come to a consensus about it! I mean if I get sick I want to know the medicine that they give me for my treatment won't hurt me, and if I decide to stab my eye with my eye liner I'd like to know it wouldn't blind me. But a statistic that we found (and don't know exactly how accurate it is) said that 94% of testing performed is for cosmetics and the other 6% on medical purposes. But for cosmetics I think that the use of some of the alternatives would be more than enough to suffice. And one of our questions on the pamphlet was "Are the alternatives that area available enough to completely cease animal testing?" and I go back and fourth on that because if I were to come up with some kind of vaccine, or super-ultra-cleaning substance, I'd want to be extra sure that it would not be harmful to those that come into contact with it. Next, the type of tests that Stahria was talking about, and I don't see how those are necessary, just to inflict pain and see how the body reacts I think is extremely unnecessary, but if they were testing medicines like pain relievers or anesthetics then I could possibly be able to understand it....haha maybe I'm employing doublethink here AAAHH out 1985 GET OUT!

Copy Cat

Ok I'm just going to say what Abby said but about me :)

1) The test. Scary. At times when I look back on it I fell as if I did really well, and other times I think OH CRAP! Maybe I'm just bipolar and this is evidence of my mood swings haha oh well! I am happy to officially be done with 1984, and JGHG seems pretty interesting.

2) The controversial issue. I was happy with how it went, I now realize I went way too fast through my parts, but I was worried we wouldn't have enough time for the discussion....which brings me to the discussion, oh my gosh people!!! hahaha I could count on one hand how many times there was only one person talking! But at least everyone who was talking was at least talking about animal testing which is great because that means that they were thinking about it which is the whole point of this.

Tip to the next group: Leave the lights off for the discussion, I think that might help!

Really Short Post

So I loved the controversial issue today! I'm still really on the fence about animal testing. I can see the points of both sides. Anyway. Good job today Hannah, Cara, and Megan. Also I'm excited to start reading Johnny Got His Gun. I have my own copy so I can actually write in the book this time. Yay!(:

testing testing 1 2 3

Hmmm I'll start out with talking about the test. I felt very confident in my knowledge of the material, and I feel like my essays flowed really well. The only thing I'm concerned about is time.... I finished as her next class was coming in which means I was working on it for roughly and hour and a half: a really long time! So I think I need to work on not over thinking the questions, and being able to get my thoughts out properly, within the time given.

Next: Today's discussion! I really enjoyed it actually. I thought that the debate aspect of the presentation went really, really well. I will be completely honest, I walked into class today not feeling very strongly either way on the subject of animal testing, but I felt like I left class well informed and better able to form my opinion on the matter. The only thing I didn't like is the close mindedness of some people in our class(including our teacher). I am a culprit of this myself, but I feel like sometimes we are not willing to hear both sides but instead are completely stuck on what we have previously decided in our minds to be correct.

p.s. I love you Ms. Stariha! hehe :)