Thursday, December 2, 2010


I've spent the last hour trying to join this website,  then I finally did it!
If your having trouble, log in to your school e-mail, then open the invitation to join.

Here's what I posted on my blog thinking that I was contributing to this site.

My views for the rest of the year

I am very proud to be in this class!  Every day I get a little excited thinking about what I'm going to write about. 
For my education, I hope to give it my best in every assignment and aim for the A at all times.  I also hope to fully grasp the messages I read in the class novels.
When the class is called on to read out loud or share free writes and essays, I will try to volunteer as offten as possible.
There is going to be a lot of material in the class, and as a student, I really hope that I can gather all that there is to learn and keep it in my head untill after college!
I REALLY want to read "The Color Purple" and "1984."  And I plan to read some "just for fun books" in addition to the required ones, so I can expand my horizins (and pick exactly what I want).
In short, this class is going to be one of my favorites.


  1. I agree with you completly im very excited for this class and feel that we will learn alot and it will help us prepare for college

  2. Good job Ross! I would have to say I agree completely with everything you said. I especially feel the same about understanding the material, raising my hand to be involved and making the best out of what we are learning. Really good writing. You could almost be an author. :)

  3. I totally agree with you, Ross! The way you mention ‘expanding your horizons’ is something that I hope to do as well-by of course reading the required novels as well as the “option” novels. Even though I am not much of a reader I would like to become that kind of person.

  4. I love that being involved in class is a goal you guys are setting for yourselves. It is so important for you to raise your voices in class (and in life)... so start right away. Remember, you have valuable ideas to share and if you don't volunteer them... they often go unheard and unexperienced.

  5. I agree with you Ross about reading! I am looking forward to reading some of the books because I have heard that they are very controversial and I want to know what all the fuss is about. I also just kind of looking forward to getting some reading done so I can expand my vocabulary and knowledge in general.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. soory i posted the same things twice.... word
