Friday, April 27, 2012

COLLEGE never seems to get out my mind

ok I have just one last thing to say. I was just thinking about college and I think it'd be cool if we all commented or deticated one post to where we are going to college and what we plan to do with our live after college. OK so yea I'm lame I know, but maybe we could just play along? just for fun? so we can all remind others and ourselves why we made this choice to push ourselves with this class. Soooo I will start.

I am going to Grand Valley State University and I will be studing in Business. I dont really know what to do though. I have been tossing around a couple things. Bussiness management...Business representation...Acounting....But my biggest arguement with myself is if I should go into secondary education along with my business degree. I am really torn on what to do. It'll work out though...I really hope so anyway. I am also going to compete in track and feild while I am attending so thats awesome, and I am throwing around the idea of walking on to the baskeball team. I dont know!

well come on guys. Your Turn!


last post for tonight. this is a question for stariha actually. I was just wondering if i can use that poem from my free write as my personal narritive. I'm sure you'll want to read it but I just wanted to know cause i really like it and i really want to use it if you dont mind. Just food for thought lol I just really wanted to say that. Well have a wonderful night everyone!

IM so confused :(

Alright guys so heres the deal. I have just posted three going on four post in the last 15 minutes. I must have alot to talk about tonight lol Not really i just keep thinking of new stuff to talk about. But i am really torn between this one thing and I don't know what i should do. I finished my free write from the other day when i wouldn't read it because i knew i wouldn't get throught even just the first three stanzas. I really want help to know if its good, but I'm really scared to put it out on the blog. So those who did hear it (tonya, kendra, abby) give me some feedback. what should i do?

Still feeling the new book

I feel like our discussion today in class about our book was really good. We came up with alot of good points and some good quotes as well. It was nice to be able to atleast interact in a discussion for once as well. I mean i didnt say a whole lot, but atleast i got to say something! I mean i might not be as articulate (idk if that what I'm trying to say, might be the wrong word) than the others but atleast I'm giving more that Jen was! for already reading this book Jen you gotta start giving us so good stuff. You gotta step up your game. Nah im kidding your all good!

Love the new books

      I am actually really getting into the "TheirEeyes Were Watching God". ok so I am not ever sure if that is the right title but right now it is 11:04 and i just got home from my track meet and i have to be up by 3:30 to drive my grandmother to grand rapids to the train station then home so i am just trying to get this done quick and I'm just too tired and lazy to get up and look to see if that title is right or not. Anyway, I really enjoy how the athor hasnt changes the speech of the characters in the book. It really helps you see how these characters are and what they are. If the grammer was changed we wouldn't view the characters for who they are and therefor the point of the story would be pointless. I just enjoy tring to see how much i can get myself to sound like and older black woman while i am reading. It keeps me interested and keeps me reading when i know i wanna do something different.

just showing what im thinking

Is anyone else like just freaking out about college? cause i sure am. there is so much going on that i dont ever know if i can handle it. Like just orientation is a pain to try and schedule and all the other stuff i mean jeeze. room and bored. paying for it. All of this is going to be so stressful. Oh and not to meant this paper. Ugh its just sooo overwhelming. I am glad that stariha gave us the example for the outline though that will really help all of us i think. I am still scared of this paper though :(


I'd love it if all of these "mental performance" drinks helped to write my paper for me. Why hasn't someone invented a robot who does your homework yet? Oh well, positive attitudes right?

Love & Hate

I just realized I have not been posting, graa.

Well I love the lit circles because of the smaller group like atmosphere.
Yet I hate them because it's more on our shoulders...and I don't want to grow up. :(


Wow, today was harsh. Not only was it a Friday, but I had to drag myself through lit circles as well. No offense to anyone today, but man, I could not focus. It's times like this when I think that I REALLY need more sleep... that or more coffee; either or.