Monday, April 11, 2011

I Love Quote Circles!

Everyone brings something different to the quote circles! There are some things we mentioned today that I didn't catch when I was reading, but they seemed pretty valuable. Also, I really love getting Ms. Stariha's input on the story because she has read it a bunch of times, I'm assuming. She always mentions something interesting and draws connections that I possibly didn't see while I was reading. Alright, so even though I am LOVING the storyline of The Poisonwood Bible, I really think Johnny and 1984 were more exciting reads. Maybe it's just me that thinks that. I liked the mysteriousness of the two of them, and I feel like The Poisonwood Bible is interesting as well, but I personally liked the other two books a little bit more. Don't get me wrong, The Poisonwood Bible is a great story, and I really like it. For the quiz tomorrow (thank you Ms. Stariha for postponing it a day--the quote circle really helped), I need to remember that if a question asks me to analyze, I need to avoid summarizing. I did that on last quiz and lost a few points for it--sad day. I just have to get it through my skull that analyze does not equal summarize. Maybe if I say it enough times...

what an essay...

As I was going over and re-reading my essay I found many imperfections. Going through the edited paper from Mrs. S. helped so much. Pointing out details in my paper that can be improved helps so much. Each little thing counts and as my paper got more developed I began to feel more confident about my paper. Still, I have my doubts but without the rough drafts and the generous amount of time we got, I would not have developed the paper that I did. On the other hand... I'm ready for the Senior Project. I hope that I get all the information I need to create my last big project in high school. I was gone on Friday and missed the intro to it, so help me out and fill me in on things I missed if you get the chance. thanks :)