Friday, December 16, 2011

Behind the scenes of history

As you all know historic events tend to have a solid storyline we all know and dread or love. Well to these stores many key things are left out. One of witch great old Mr Heiney seemed to talk about every time George Washington was brought up. While in a battle during the french and Indian war George Washington had two horses shot out from under him and his coat was filled with bullet holes. Why this is left out I don't know but this chaos doesn't end there. I could go on and on. I am doing a little research while I am writing this I am finding that a lot of our presidents were free Masons and that this country that we thought was based on god really isn't, just look at the dollar bill witch contains seals that some of our very first presidents designed. It contains symbols of other religions. If you take time to research you can easily get confused but the main point is that even in the beginning of our nation secrets and hidden messages are weaved into just about everything. Our government can hide things from us if they feel it is for the good of the people.....well who decides what is for the good of the people.....surely not the people but the government. Anything they wish can be hidden...or at least released to the public at a later date. I am positive that history is corrupt because it is a story told behind one persons or nations perspective. If we were to go to a different country say Brittan and learn about the American revolution we would find their description little different then ours. We learn that we were fighting for our freedom, but there we were rebels against the king. This shows that stores in history have more then one side and that what is shown to the public is often one sided. My conclusion is the history we learn is propaganda in itself and that all tho history is important we shouldn't take what we hear in without checking it out from all perspectives and keeping open minded.

Twisting my Brain

Well I'm definitely in the group of people that are slightly puzzled over the history situation. I'm beginning to see what Matt said about someone along the line being objective on some subjects. It's like when we looked at America's coverage of the Wikileaks scandal and then the foreign new broadcast. It all depends on the source... so shouldn't some things be more accurate than others? The scary thing is that it is always the issues that involve us that we are misguided on.

My Brain Hurts...

Am I the only one who finds trying to grasp the whole 1984 "what is truth" concept, completely confusing? It becomes even more taxing on the mind once you start applying it to the real world. Then again I could just be paranoid... Either way, it's confusing.


I feel like our discussion on history the other day was exactly about history, but more so a discussion on what we take as truth. Or if we believe in truth in general. I feel like truth is more of a subjective term than objective. What really is truth, is it the fact that if you drop an apple it will fall to the ground... but if you are standing in a pool of water and drop an apple, will that fall directly to the ground? Truth is a matter of position in combination with belief. The view from which you are seeing a situation happen, and then what you believe that certain situation.

man of man, this will... be continued.


history in the making?

Our history could be fiction but then how would all or history books explain life? I am not talking about our history book for class but more about the bible. If our history is not true then we are saying that the bible, or any other type of religious teachings are untrue. I don't see how this can be. I just can't believe that the religious teachings are false and have been rectified to lean one way.

this probably makes no sense because to be honest i don't even understand it myself!


i do not like this book. i can't seem to get into it at all..idk. maybe x-mas break might put a little of hard work into myself. maybe.? but uhh, i'm excited for the senior portfolio...because it seems really fun and really EASY! so yes. i am excited!

one lil comment...

is anyone else having trouble leaving comments? because i just tried to leave one and it for some reason wont let me..

sad i know.


History is one of my favorite subjects, I love it! I find it to be extremely interesting, but the discussion we had in class yesterday made me think about it in a way I never have before. Is there really no such thing as truth? Can we not recognize it? Part of me says that it has to be somewhere out there, and maybe that's why I find historians so amazing because their work is to seek out truth, but the truth they're seeking has been dead for centuries, and what they look for are recordings of the past, but there is no way for us to be sure that what ever has been written is real, or hasn't been "lost in translation" along the way. But I can't seem to not believe in it, I mean its obvious that specific events have happened and have been attempted to be recorded unbiased but they still happened right? Anyways I'm realizing this whole blog is just a rant and probably doesn't make much sense but I am far too lazy to go back and try to make any sense of it, so who ever read all the way down to here, props to you!

blog title.

sooooo i finally got that email stariha sent me to be apart of this blog.. i dont understand why this thing doesnt like my email account, or what cause this happened last year too. but oh well,
and now on to other things like yesterdays blog that was required? with this whole history deal.. there was a quote in 1984 that i really liked;

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls that past."

to me this pretty much states it all, the ones who are at a high position, such as the president that truly knows the facts on mostly everything that goes on in America has the control on whether or not us Americans will ever know about it..and if we are granted the right to know about it then how much of it were being told is true and what are they choosing not to tell us? i believe such a power should not be granted unto one person but like emily said in class yesterday, we the people dont exactly stand up to "the man" because we either dont care, were intimedated or in all honesty because we believe that our government is being honest with us and would lie to us. how can our government expect us to do the right things all the time, when they arent exactly doing the same in return?

Ideas for Portfolio

I really want to do a scrapbook for my senior portfolio but I'm thinking a lot of other people are going to do them too? I just want mine to be a little more original. Does anyone know any other ideas besides scrapbooks and PowerPoint?

Questioning History

Thinking about the idea that history might not be history at all, but instead stories made up by people over time is confusing and hard to comprehend. I'm glad that our history has been fairly well documented because if I sat up at night wondering whether or not men like Abraham Lincoln actually were kind and honest, always having the best interest of others in mind actually existed, life would become extremely complicated.

Going over the portfolio outline today was fun, I'm excited to get started! I just don't know if I'm going to do a scrapbook or powerpoint... did she ever say which one she prefers?