Sunday, December 19, 2010


I haven't gotten my rough draft emailed to me yet, and I was really hoping to start working on it tomorrow. Has anyone else not gotten their rough drafts? I have been waiting for it and I was expecting it on Friday of last week.

I'm really concerned about how my Argument Essay is going to turn out because I thought my Whitman Essay was really good and it was marked up quite a bit more than I was expecting. I'm hoping that my mom can help me with the next essay, but I'm not so sure if it will be good enough. I'm kind of worried....


  1. I know how you feel Taylor. My paper was marked up quite a bit also, but I was pretty much expecting the grade I got (or would have gotten if it was actually graded). You alway seem to know what's going on in class and you are very smart, so I'm sure you won't have too many problems. My mother always has to help me when I write my papers as well. I need help revising and editing as well as support when I'm writing, and my mom always seems the best for that job.

    And about your Argument Essay, I know that I haven't gotten mine back yet because I just checked my email before getting on to blog and she hasn't sent me mine yet. I wouldn't worry about it since I know she will send it, but if you are really concerned and want to work on it tomorrow, I would email her if she doesn't send it soon. Good luck! I know you will do great no matter what. (By the way, it was great being able to see you this morning! Along with just about everyone else. lol)

  2. I havn't gotten mine yet either. I sent her an email a couple days ago and havn't gotten a response. My mom helps me with my papers too! Shes an english teacher so catches all the litte (and big I might add) things I miss!!

  3. I haven't gottten mine back either, and I was thinking..did i forget to e-mail it to her or somehting. Maybe, she's having her baby...and can't get to them right away..(:

  4. I havent gotten mine either buti am glad to here i am not the only one...i was getting nervous.

  5. Okay... ALL of the papers I received should have been e-mailed back. (A few didn't send because of either my error or computer error, and I didn't catch it until today... sorry!) But if you haven't gotten your essay back at this point, it means I didn't receive it! If you have any other concerns or specific questions about the drafts, let me know!

  6. Oh and by the way... don't be discouraged, Taylor and Company, if you have a lot of comments on your essays. It doesn't necessarily mean you are "bad" writers. I just want to give you as much constructive criticism as possible, so you know exactly what I look at when I grade... and how you can improve your writing!
