Monday, May 2, 2011

I always forget about blogging until Sunday night, which is not good!

So, I was slacking off on my Senior Project [until today]. My mom was on the computer and she asked if I wanted to get on before she shut it off and I was thinking in my head "Ugh, I really don't want to work on anything," but somehow I ended up saying "Yeah! I'll get on the computer," so, here I am, on the computer. And surprisingly I have done a lot! I finished typing my survey out and making it all pretty, and I got my interview questions all in line, but the only problem is is that I cannot find any of these peoples phone numbers or even e-mail addresses! So, I'm stressing about that right now! Other than that I just have to say I hate how much crap I have to do this week [but I'm not going to complain too much, because there are actually 6 of us in College English that are also in AP Calculus and a majority of us will be gone Wednesday due to the fact we are taking the AP Exam, and all 6 of us will be gone Friday to the Oceana County Math Tournament]. Oh, and did I mention I really haven't started on my paper yet?! I'm happy/nervous that I have a conference with Stariha tomorrow. I don't want her to tell me how dumb I am and that I'm not doing too great in the class, because I already know that!

The Color Purple

Inbetween writing my rough draft for my research paper, I decided to start reading The Color Purple. This book is such a great, but sad story. And it is definitly a mature read. I like that it's in a 'slang' style too. I'm interested to see how this book ties into the other three that we have read in class already. Well, happy blogging!

P.S: Mrs. Stariha you'll see me very soon for a conference time :)
i know that blogging isnt all about talking about your life and how stressed out you are but "jeez oh man" im stressed!
i feel better that we are done reading PWB but this research paper and my grade are really getting to me...
lets hope this all turns around soon :/


OK so for those of you who do not know, Pope John Paul II was a big deal for the Catholic Church. He touched on issues that most either Popes wouldn't have. For instance when the US entered in the Iraq war he was basically like what the hell? you guys are idiots, do you think fighting a war is going to fix anything!?! Any who this past Sunday was the Beatification of him, basically meaning they made him a saint!!! whoot! any who i listened to a hommoly given by him that discussed that even the Catholic Church and all other RELIGIONS in the world destroy the idea of faith. he said its sad when a church cares more about expanding and money than FAITH. he simply said regardless if you have a religion you maybe don't have faith, b/c faith is not paying money to a church or going every Sunday, its blind! it kind of reminded me of the Poisonwood Bible! idk why it just did! lol

the outline

I am working on recreating my outline and hope that it turns out a lot better than the first. Having Luke's example really does help. There is so much information on his and once mine is finished it will really make it a whole lot easier to start and develop my paper.


Dear Ross, I hope this makes your time alot easier this week! I am posting at the VERY BEGGINNING of the week so you have alot of time to comment! haha...

Ok well having the paper coming to a finish and finishing with the PWB this class is not seeming so demanding. I know that I will most likely eat these words in a week or so but for now I'll enjoy the ride!

I wish I had more to say, but were not reading a book so I don't have alot to comment on?... :P

Letters for Project

I sent my letters out the other day and I was just thinking this morning...What if they dont write back? Do we get marked down for this? The people that I chose to send letters to seemed pretty reliable so I think that they will but its just starting to stress me out. I hope this all works out!