Sunday, April 22, 2012


So while I was visiting Sarah at CMU this weekend, I got to thinking about college which led to me thinking about graduation which led to me thinking about time... and I came to the realization that in 57 days, I will start classes as a college student. Oh my goodness gracious.... :D

Research paper

So I'm really not feeling this paper... I'm sure that it will kick in one of these days, or at least I'm hoping it will, but as of right now, working on it is definitely something I have to force myself to do.


So I went to see Antigone saturday night... and to be honest, I thought it was really good. I don't know what I was expecting, but it totally surpassed whatever I was expecting! That was a really lame comment.. haha Anyways, the story was really cool and definitely something that Shelby has never put on before. And now I finally understand why you guys kept quoting it in class, there was a ton of awesome lines!!

That Awkward Moment When...

Your stack of papers turn out to be only 5 sources...



Well I'm pretty sure I invited all of you on Facebook...
But just to make sure here is an invite to my open house!
You are all invited!
Bring family or friends!

Don't feel obligated to come to though. If you can't make it, no biggy.
I would love to see you there!
(Even you Stariha!
I planned on giving you an invitation at some point though.
And you can bring Jeremy and the kids if you must :p)

Okay. Well I'm finished using the blog to advertise. See y'all tomorrow!

This blog is so different now and I'm not sure if I like it but whatever I need to stop procrastinating so I'm going to stop and go get stuff done.


so first of all, is anyone else's blogger different? lol. Alright, so this weekend was antigone and after being in it and watching and listening to it for so many months here are the things that I have learned from it.. 1). no matter what intentions you have, your actions will always have consequences 2). there is a difference between hearing something and actually listening 3). never be suprised by the things that the browns say or do.. yes, Carson can be desire-ful 4). if you put time and effort into something, no matter how weird it is.. it will be worth it

One Last Blog

Ok I am going to bed after this blog due to a splitting headache caused by traumatic brain injuries inflicted upon me in a game of leap frog. So this is everyone's comic relief. Today I was playing softball with some of my people lol and had the bright idea to play a game of leap frog. While I was leaping through the air the person I was leaping over decided to duck and I somersaulted over their head and fell on my face and gave myself a bloody lip, an aching neck, and a bump in the head. So hopefully I will be a normal person still lol.


I loved this play! It was so deep and compelling and I though that it was interesting all of the connections there were between the stuff that we have read in class and the lesson throughout the play. I am happy for Stariha's sake that Alex was able to perform!

Life Lesson

Here are my life lessons for today. One never play leap frog because you will get seriously hurt and two be understanding. This relates back to the Poisonwood Bible when we were talking about Brother Fowels and Nathans ministry. Nathan was such a failure because he was too proud to look beyond his own selfish ambitions to realize that in order to reach out to the people he must become one of them. There is a saying that says that we must not judge someone until we have walked a mile in their shoes. How many times do we not even try to understand someone or something and make preconceived notions about that person or situation. If we truly want to be of help to someone we must minister to them through being with them on a personal level and putting information into terms for them to understand. I must say that I am glad to be done with PWB and am ready to move on but I loved this book! 

Ryan Gosling

So I've written a paragraph of my paper....buuuut I've looked at a lot of Ryan Gosling memes. Yeahhhh...I got a little distracted. Anyyywayyy, I decided we needed a nice looking picture on this blog.

New Blog

So this new blog is just freaking me out a little bit. I dont realy like it much... just because I dont know where anything is!! Well anyhow good job antigone cast. It was super good and I think I followed it pretty well. But on another note this research for the senior project is kicking my butt!

Can you believe it?

I feel like a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders since we finished PWB, it seems like it actually is almost the end of the year now! I know we have a lot going on with the research project, but it seems more manageable now that we're onto the last book. Only a few more weeks!! Can you believe it?

Shout-out to Antigone Cast/Director!

Well after watching the play three times...
I have come to the conclusion that you guys did AWESOME!
It was a little bit over my head but I understood it better the second and third time I watched it.
Took me a while to realize Antigone and Haimon were cousins haha!
And don't worry about congratulating me on my spotlight job.
I already know I did awesome.
Haha just kiddin.
I had a pretty good seat though I thought.

Anyways enough about Antigone.
I would just like to say I'm super glad we are done with the Poisonwood Bible.
Don't get me wrong. I really really liked the book.
There was just so much going on and a lot of it I don't think I completely comprehended.
But those quizzes KILLED me!
There was so much to study and find quotes on.
I just couldn't do it.
I'm excited to move on.


I am not liking this APA formatting.
I keep having to check the OWL website and make sure that I'm not screwing up citations and stuff (which I think I still have it all wrong...)

The Red Wheelbarrow- William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
Adah in PWB makes her own poem inspired by William Carlos Williams.
How would your poem read? Mine would go something like this.
so much depends

a set of three

still wet with hot

against the dark