Friday, May 20, 2011

Waste want not got want...not?

Waste not, want not!  There we go!

Well, I just got my first revision back of my rough draft, but even though it was a tad late, it's been SSSUUPPER D DDDUUPPER.  I've already made a ton of revisions, and it's all for the best.

The color purple is a good color.  The novel "The Color Purple" was also very satisfactory.  I'm kind of a sap for happy endings.  The test proved to be an adversary rather than a foe, which is great since I had to only glance through Nettie's letters since I was behind... But I finished it!  And I think it might be my favorite of the four novels.  (JGHG is a very, VERY close second).

I don't really have much more to say.

Have a good weekend!!

Senior Project

Our Senior Project research paper is due this Monday. I have been working extremely hard on this paper and feel confident about it. Ms. Stariha has definitely been a great help and has answered all the questions that I have had. I feel like my paper is extremely long but it is the information that needs to be present in order for me to explain everything about ESL in Shelby Public Schools. I'm excited and nervous for next week and am hoping that our group is able to get together more.

Also, lets not forget that today in class was the last College English test that we are going to take. I'm hoping that I answered the questions fully and didn't summarize what was happening in the book. I tried to answer everything directly and explain its importance to the theme of The Color Purple.

Well best of luck to all next week. :)


today was our final test on our final novel..WOW! this class seemed to have just flew by. I never realized how much you could get from a book, but now I know to really dig deep into the novels I read because I might get some important messages out of them.

I am also really proud of my group, making an effort and us all working together. I was so nervous when I found out we had to speak for ten minutes, but just going over my couple of slides's not going to be hard..actually, I think it will be harder to try to keep at the ten minute range.

This weekend, is going to be filled with editing my research paper..and work, but that doesn't really matter. But I do have lots of questions on the research paper, about citing stuff, and if anyone has a really gooood research paper could you e-mail it to me so I can just look at it..and see, and improve mine!?

thanks guys!

and thanks to Stariha for being such a great teacher!!!

Now, it's time for me to kick butt, at all this college english stuff so I get a goood or passing grade!