Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Essay-Quiz Taking Strategy:

I found that this strategy worked rather well timewise today: First, I went through all of the short answer questions and wrote whatever I knew about them, and if I got the least bit stuck at all, I skipped some lines and moved on to the next question. For example, I couldn't remember much about the question about Anatole's wish, so I wrote a few sentences to jog my memory later about it, and then I moved on to the question after that. I didn't waste time getting stuck on a single short answer question just because I couldn't remember. I did the same thing when it came to the question about the ant scourge. I wrote down a few sentences (not the whole answer) because I couldn't think of the rest, but at least then I didn't have to start blindly when I went back through the quiz. Then, I eventually got to the BIG essay question. I looked at the clock and there was tons of time available for it! Starting it earlier this time than previous times was a big help because I didn't feel rushed to write a bunch in a short amount of time. At the end of the BIG essay, I went back to the questions I had left unfinished and finished the quickest ones of those (by this time, I had already written the main essay, so my mind was very engrained in the story, making recalling a little bit easier). I saved the one that I COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME remember, and searched through the book until I found it. I finished the whole quiz with a few minutes left and I didn't feel rushed at all through it. Everyone has their own strategy, but I just thought I would share mine in case anyone wants to try a different one.

The quiz an hour ago...

Whhhoooooaaa booyyy.... I'm not to sure about that last quiz.  Talking after class, I knew some of those short answers, but not when I was taking it (how does that always happen...?)

But any way, over the break I read the  whole book, and am looking forward to talking about future events.  There were a few parts where I actully "LOL'ed"  But there were also some parts where I felt a little lost... I'm really looking to the quote circles and class discussions for some help.

And about that Senior Project, are we going to be going over it any time soon?  Because I've bearly started my reasearch paper...