Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sarah Moon!

This blog goes out to Sarah Moon, if it wasn't for her I would have completely forgotten about the survey that we needed to go with the research project. Thank you so much!

Creative College Writing?

I know that this is a college prep class and all, but am i the only one who could use some more creative writing? Then again, I'm just a creative person so of course I would like more creative stuff.
i am a terrible speller. i wish i was better thankkkk god for spellcheck ehh?


hey i thought of a title.. yay? ugh so anyways today in the lab i didnt really get much done i did some researching and stuff but i still feel pretty lost for this whole senior project.. or just overwhelmed i know that there is a lot that has to get done. but on the bright side i alredy got the 2 letters of response to the people i sent letters to so thats progress its just gonna be the actual putting it all together and writing a paper thats just gonna kill me. hahahahhahahhahahhaha, but dont worry ms. stariha not complaining that theres too much work just being your typical lazy teenager with senioritis. so yeah .


goosh i just hate titles so much, like i dont have ne thing to put for them because my thoughts are always so jumbled and what not and not what omgg typing is like fun sometimes.. yeaaaah im reallly bored. in yearbook just blogging away over here. can you believe that the end of april is next week or something i think.. danng . i dont think im gonna go to prom i dont even have money for the dress and whatever soo maybe ill just sit home or do something else i think either way id still go to post prom.. im a night person any ways. annnnnd yeah. sooo i missed having ms.stariha in class today because i really needed some help with the outline for my paper but ahhh welll i guess it will have ti wait even though i know theres links or something on her website nothings better than her help :)


welll cant discuss the class discussion from yesterday but um yeahhh i wish we could have talked more about the poisonwood bible more than we did, when is the test again i cant remember .. and i simply cant be bothered to go check the calender lol well at least were pretty much all done with that book now besides the test. just one lastt book, and were out.


Just saw the dress rehearsal, and I loved it! I was so impressed with everyone, especially Maddie and Jen, but the guys really surprised me too! Way to go! I can't wait to see it again, it'll actually be a good one to right a report on for extra credit. I love the meaning, there's so much to...idk go into I guess. Anyways everyone should go even if you don't want to do the report, it was an awesome show!


So I keep getting distracted and slowly falling behind. I mean not falling far behind but just saving everything until like two or three days before. But anyway. I like how my research project is turing out so far. but yeah. Random blog. haha

whaaa D:

kinda lost on this paper:/

Attention Anyone on the Blog:

I get that we are suppose to be workshopping over the sources and everything, but what exactly are we suppose to do? Like is there a link or something we are all suppose to be on? Because i'm a little lost right now, so i'm just working on my survey?


So maybe this is self explanatory but to me, it's not. ha ha
I got confused on what we are supposed to send her (turn in) for the Outline.
Is it an Outline for our APA paper thing? Or are we actually sending her the APA outline (essay thing) to prepare for our drafts???
I just need to know what to send to Stariha today. =P