Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blind as a Bat

Ok so I am blind completley and totally blind. I cannot for the life of me find Stariha's example of the portfolio on her website! I need a seeing eye dog for sure!! anyone care to help? :P

Quick question. Are we getting our 1984 quizzes back anytime soon? I was just thinking about it and everytime I do I get really nervous. :S

need to blog! :)

Alright so I wasted my entire day today (besides going to church) reading a great book... I don't know if any of you have heard of it but I do know Jen and Megan have for sure. Its the prequil to the immortal serries, called clockwork prince! I finnished it all .. in one day lol 5oo pages yeahh buddy. But it is set back in London. In once scene they were in a sort of opion den and there was this guy (druged up of course) singing the song that the shopkeeper couldnt remember in 1984 I found this kinda super cool! it went ...
Oranges and lemons
say the bells of st clement's
when will ye pay me?
Ring the bells at Old ailey
When I grow rich
Say the bells of Shoreditch --
when will that be?
say the bells of Stepney
I do now konw,
Says the great bell of Bow

I just thought that made a conection to 1984 and made me feel slightley less guilty for reading it all day instead of doing the masses of homework I should of done! :P


Soooo, what are we supposed to put on our covers????


Sooo I really loved the controversial issue debate that we had on friday. Now I have another reason to love fridays! Really though, it was interesting to see everyone's perspectives on the subject and I also thought it was cool having graduated students there (well the ones that talked anyway). So yeah, im excited to see how all of the rest of them will go :D

laptop trouble...

well i dont know if im gonna be able to turn in my portfolio part tommorow because i changed my laptop password yesterday and today i cant remember it, so now i cant get into my laptop, ive been trying to figure it out all day, but now i gotta bring it to someone to have it hacked into, so thats why im not turning my portfolio in tommorow, take it easy on me please stariha, thanks lol

Julia boosts Winston's esteem

I totally forgot we were supposed to post this earlier...whooops!
Anyway, I had the esteem theme:

At the beginning of book two Winston's esteem needs are starting to be met.
On page 120 Winston says, "I'm 39 years old. I've got a wife that I can't get rid of. I've got varicose veins. I've got 5 false teeth."
"I couldn't care less," said the girl (Julia).
Julia doesn't care that Winston isn't perfect, she still loves him.

Almost to Book Three

Well I was warned that I would hit a dull spot and this morning I did. Fortunately I can see the end of it now but come on Orwell! Who does that mid book?


So earlier in this week we were supposed to write about esteem, and I didnt, ooops, so here I go. Alright I found this part in 1984 where Winston was talking to Syme, and how syme was so proud of his work. I thought it was ironic how they cant have esteem because if they become to passionate and proud of their work then they often know way to much, therefore they would have to be vaporized. So if they had esteem in their work, they would be given the ultimate punishment for it.

The Poem.

Okay, so Im not entirely sure if we were supposed to post about the poem; but I didnt, so here I go. Alright, I really liked this poem because it challenged me to think about what it meant. At first I didnt really understand what it was talking about, and even now, Im pretty sure my understanding isnt necessarily right. But to me the poem painted a picture of a spider, one lone spider standing on a lone rock, with darkness all around him. The spider was trying to cast out that filament, but it wasnt going anywhere.. and to me this connected with the idea that even though the spider was alone on the rock, it was okay, because that was where he was supposed to be. And although he was casting out and reaching out around him, but not going anywhere, it was still okay. I feel like in life we tend to make ourselves into things we are not, but in reality, who we are, our soul, will stay the same, and stay right where its supposed to be.


So, being the first one to go on the controversial issue thing was a little scary, but not that bad. I really wish that we could have got more in depth with a couple of the questions at the end. Especially discussing when a fetus becomes human. Through researching this subject I've learned that this is the real topic that every bit of controversy boils down to... and oddly it is the concept that majority of people struggle with the most. I know that for me I couldn't even answer this question with confidence.

1984 v. The Hunger Games

I have to say that I do like the Hunger Games much better than 1984, just because the pace is quicker, and things start happening sooner in the novel which help me get into them, but they're very similar. In the Hunger Games, they do have laws but they are brutally enforced, especially in the second one, but they still have a powerful government that likes to prove that they're in charge and not the people. There is no privacy in the districts, just like there isn't any in London in 1984. And similar to the 2-minutes hate, the people of the districts are forced to watch the Hunger Games, even though no one really wants to. Life in the districts of Pan-Am is just as dangerous as life in Oceania. I'd never want to live in either, but I do enjoy reading about them! I'm not sure what that says about me as a person but oh well.

P.S. Check out this song that's in The Hunger Games, it's a Taylor Swift song that I actually like, probably because it has the Civil Wars in it.....