Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lovely Day

I enjoyed today. It was a relief to me to have this test done, and its done, I cannot make changes, so there is no reason for me to worry or fret anymore. I'm thankful that Stariha allowed us to bring in computers, and I am thankful that everything worked out.

I am excited to read the new book... but I am sad to leave 1984 in the dust. I wish we could have a few days just to TALK about 1984 and its 'claims' on our current government, and then point out different things that the government are taking from us. Just thought it would be fun to do that, but I understand we are behind and that there really isn't a way of doing those things.

Also.... Everyone should just breathe about this test. I did say what Jen wrote about, that the 4 quote questions did take longer because it was more 'comprehending' time, and I do feel that if a test took that long that it should be shortened. But there was no way of knowing that it was going to take that long before today... so now we can learn from it and move on from there. No need to feel frustrated! :D

It's a good day, your alive, you get to 'contribute a verse' for the day, so make yours sing an inspiration happy song, because your not guaranteed the chance to sing tomorrow!

Johnny got his gun

Ok so ive seen mettallica's One video way too many times, which is pretty much about johnny got his gun, so im really stinkin excited to start this book.......


... So I just read through all these scary posts about how long this test was, oh man, ... Im getting really nervous now. But oh well, hopefully it wont make tomorrow any worse than today. :)

On a different note, I am excited to start on a different book. I think that change will be exciting, and new discussions will be exciting as well. :)

Break from Ranting!

I'm looking forward to starting Johnny Got His Gun! I looked up what it is about and I'm super excited that it take place during World War One. But I am nervous that it will be a little like the movie "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." If any of you have seen that movie you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.


Ha, so instead of complaining on how bad the test was maybe we should look on the bright side. Stariha isn't an evil teacher that will fail us all;) In fact, i'm sure if we showed more enthusiasm and optimism on here she won't be so hard on the grading? Ha, just a thought.

Growing hunger pains

Note to self, bring lunch to class on a test day...

Hope I at least got a C...


well to be honest, i felt rather good about that there test, i feel like i could possibly get an A, which means that i probably failed because i never do good when i think i did, so i guess ill be lucky to get a C again...


well to be honest, i felt rather good about that there test, i feel like i could possibly get an A, which means that i probably failed because i never do good when i think i did, so i guess ill be lucky to get a C again...

Test and stuff...

Okay...this test was ridiculous.
I spent all my lunch until 12 and ran to Zoulek's class in a hurry!
I didn't even finish because I couldn't just skip my other class...and if I was allowed to I would have! *sigh* So I will probably get a REALLY bad grade because I had to rush my BIG essay because the little ones took so long. =/

Anyways...that was my little rant on that subject. hahaha....
I am not too excited for the Animal Testing Issue (no offense) because I can't stand listening about any living beings actually being tortured or really gets to my heart. =( Is it possible to have too much empathy? hahaha, but for reals...don't be alarmed if I start to cry because that is most likely what will happen when I hear about cases of animals and such.

I seem to be addicted to tortillas with cheese in them. =) hahaha...I really don't think that's the healthiest thing. Why not apples in peanut butter or something? hahhaa..


Okay Stariha I know you always say not to vent on the blog and all that buuuut this a warning that this blog post is just going to be a venting blog post and you can feel free to completely ignore it!
It is ridiculous that it took that long to take a test. Yes, it is college english and I was prepared to take a hard test but NO ONE finished within the class time. Bre had a very good point when she said that with the little quote paragraphs, yes it was the same amount of writing but it was so much longer for thinking and planning time! It is not fair that people had to work into their lunches and the next class time. I finished and then had only 4 minutes to try to eat lunch and then get to my next class where I took another test! If a test is going to take that long then we need to either shorten it or take two different class times to complete it. When I'm completely stressed out about just trying to finish writing so I have enough time to eat and make it to a class it seriously decreasing the quality of an essay.

test today...

well, i was kinda freaking out at first.
but then as i started...i felt okay.
because in first hour...i read through the last of the book, skimmed it again. and wrote down quotes that stuck out to me.
and then second hour...i studied a bit more. took an online quiz for 1984.
idk...i think i'm feelng pretty confident. :)

Cheese Its.

So yesterday i was sitting in my livingroom watching T.V and my brothers were eating cheese its. I really wanted some but I cant eat then because of something in them. It made me feel like Winston when he was in the cell with that piece of bread. Like seriously. no dumb comments. I really felt a strong connection with Winston For that 10 seconds.

Test Today!

I'm nervous. I stuggled through the quizzes and ended up alright but now with questions over the whole book and a higher point value my confidence is waning. But I'm going to push through and approach it with more gusto than last time. I always stress over test/quizzes and let them cast a big cloud over my morning but this time I'm just going to nail it!