Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Really Don't Want to Procrastinate

So I'm the typical teenager, I always say that I want to get my projects/homework done early so I have nothing to worry about. But then I get really lazy and about one-two days before something is due I decide to start. I should really stop doing this though, with college ahead and whatnot-so I already have started on my senior portfolio and I think if I stay on top of it and give myself deadlines that I'll do a great job on it! I have already asked one person to do one of my letters of recommendation and I started writing my introduction letter!
Good luck to everyone on their senior portfolio!

Another 28 years later...the movie!

This was my free write, but I decided to fix small grammar errors and post the idea.  If you ask me, it would make a video game or movie.

I see myself walking down a dirt road, then I wake up.  I'm in a hospital.  I can barly move, but my arms look well preserved.  The room is colorful, and my bed is centered, not in a corner.  I fall as I get out of bed.  My mind is that of a 18 year old, but my body is much too frail to be normal.  I leave the room, and as I leave, the colorful patterns vanish and the room is blank white.
The halls are plaid and dull.  NO paper anywhere.  A man in black walks over to me, (an android?) and touches my hand.  Then states my name.
Doctors and nurses rush from the doors and tell me to breath slowly.
They tell me that I fell and hit my head on concrete, and have been in a coma for around 50 years.  (I don't recall and concrete, or falling for that matter.)  They say the only reason I've  been alive is that my parents have been paying for me to be on life support.  However, they both recently passed on, and with no one to pay my bill, a new experimental procedure was preformed to make use of my body.  The [surgury] was a sucsess, and now I was to be studied for two weeks.
After one month, I was moved to a homless shelter, just outside of the hospital.  Apperently, America had nuked all of Korea in a defensive move to stop a nuclear war between North and South. The U.N. was very displeased, and now the third wolrd war is in effect.
The city is very segregated.  The center is full of lights and power, with very few people (civilians).  And everything surrounding the center is slums, most of which have no power.

Thats it... time ended and I stopped writing.
Maybe I try to stop another nuke from going off and become a "hero" or find a typical government base with secrets.  I'm not sure, but I think the whole concept is pretty neat-o.


I have two questions so far. I dont want to sound dumb but on the controversial issue I have found a good site and I would like to use it but it has more than one author and this website I asuume pulled information from their work and made it all in one. Im not sure how to set that one up because there is more than one author.

Second question is it said it posted my blog on 1984 but I can not find it no where.

Help Please. I dont mean to sound dumb.
Well I'm writing this tonight so that I dont forget to do it over break! This class is going well so far, I've learned new things already. Things are starting to speed up though, with the book, the blog, the portfolio, and controversial topic project to take care of. I hope I can get it all done and do a good job! The portfolio is going to be alot of work, but it'll be worth it because I'll use it in the long run. I just have to remember to stay on top of things and I'll do fine!... And remember everyone get your letters of recommendations done soon!!!

Orwell's Views

Orwell views society in a negative way. He talks about how everything is very negative for him and that people need to be there own person. Every person from society should carry on with life the way they want to and not what the government tells them to do/think. 1984 is showing us that we need to be aware of this or it could happen today in our world that we live in. It consists of freedom and independence.

50 Years From Now...

I just woke up from what feels like a nap. I stretch and yawn and think about the day ahead of me. As of now everything is blurry; I need my glasses. I stumble to the bathroom, feel around for my glasses and put them on. As I stand there I feel weaker, smaller, and colder. I look at myself in the mirror and the person I see is not me. Startled, I feel my face, I'm old, wrinkled and pale. Whats happened? Did my life zoom by as I was taking what I thought was a nap? I start to cry. where did my life go? I fall to the floor and think to myself; Did I graduate? Did I go to college? Did I get married? Or do I have a family? I wipe my tears and get up from the bathroom floor. As I walk around my home, I see pictures on the wall, ones Ive never seen before. as I go down the stairs I see a wedding picture of me and a man I don't recognize. I see pictures of a boy who I assume is my son. Where has time gone, and where have I been?