College English is an advanced English course at Shelby High School. It is intended to prepare students for the rigor of collegiate study and to create innovative thinkers ready to enter the "real world" and make their place in it!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Plum Wore Out
I am done with essays. I have written 5 a week for 3 weeks in a row. There is something cruel and unusual about that if you ask me. Right now I'm avoiding one last essay that has to be written tonight. Then Saturday I have another and Sunday (if I'm smart) I'll write another. That will come to a grand total of 7 this week. Yeah... seven. If you didn't know that's the same number of days in a week, the same number of gables Nathaniel Hawthorn wrote about, and the same number of wonders in the world. Actually I'm not sure about that last one. It's late, I'm tired, and I'm rethinking the divinity of the number seven. And I'm not actually done with essays... there's to many on the horizon to shoot that bullet into my mind just yet. All I want is a break. Just a couple of days to relax and not think about anything related to writing at all. Save me?
I am also curious to see how the controversial discussion is going to go.
I have a feeling it might get a little heated.
Which I think is pretty rediculous sometimes.
Like I mean its good that you feel strongly one way or the other and you can refuse not to listen to the other persons opinion and you can try to argue yours...
But when people start yellin at each other I think it gets a little silly.
We haven't exactly had yelling yet but its come close.
Good luck to the presenters though!
4 things needed to get work done in college english
2 bag of chips......flavor doesnt matter
3 comfy chair
4 clear mind
It's all Newspeak to me
Gay Rights

1. I am completely and totally for gay rights. Someone's sexuality should have no bearing in how they are allowed to live their life. Who are we to tell someone they can't marry who they love just because they are both guys? I mean look...the whole Kardashian wedding lasted what a couple weeks? and didn't Brittany Spears marry someone for like a day? And then you look and Neil Patrick Harris and his partner have been together for 8 years. Someone people say that gay marriage ruins the 'sanctity' of marriage but how is there sanctity in a day marriage and no sanctity in an 8 year loving relationship? Also, take a look at this shows how the lifestyles of gay relationships are no different and no less than straight ones.
2. Some of you may argue that gay couples can't properly raise a baby. Why should it matter what sexuality the parents are if they can raise a child with love and support? How many straight parents abuse and hurt their children? Sexuality should not dictate how well of a parent someone will be. Once again, watch this clearly shows that gay couples are completely capable of raising a successful child.
annnnnnnddd we have my pretend debate.... I have heard some people say these things about gay rights and gays sooo here is my pretend debate....I have heard that 1) gay people are evil. 2) gay people are gay because they are being punished for sins. 3) gay parents should not raise a child. 4) homosexuality is a sin.
I’m sorry but 1) really? are they “evil” because they love someone thats not who others think they should love. Just because they aren't a girl or a boy doesn’t mean we have the right to tell who they can love. (see my #1 above) 2) they are being punished for their sins? the sin of loving someone and then having the whole of society hate them for it? i refuse to believe that being gay is a choice. just like being straight is not a choice. you are attracted to the people you are attracted too. I like men, that's not my choice, it’s just how I am. someone people like girls, thats just how they are. we didn't choose to be born straight, bi, gay, blonde, red head, skinny, fat, smart, athletic...thats just the way we are and we should accept people for that. 3) just because you are gay, you shouldn’t raise a child? even if those gay parents are loving, supportive, and the most ideal parents you could find? if two gay men adopt a child, are you saying that that is worse than if that child is put through foster care? (see my #2) 4) okay that is your belief, and by this time if nothing I have said has either made you think or you agreed with then i give up. you can have your belief, and i’ll go back to mine.
But I believe that we should not discriminate or judge people regardless of whether they are straight, bi, gay, or unicorn.
the end.
i love johnny!
even though i wasn't in the most chipper mood as ms. stariha would say.
well, i'm actually really excited to read the next few chapters tonight.