Friday, January 6, 2012


So I never posted about the poem or 1984. I wasn't in the belonging group (group two) but something that wasn't said, belonging with a loved one. Like in 1984 you don't get to marry someone that you actually love. They just want you to get married to someone you don't love to make children. Doing your duty for the government. I think it's ridiculous. No one would feel loved or even be happy with someone that they are stuck for until death. Its really sad to think about.


So Stariha said that we have to post our take on the poem from Walt Whitman that she gave us in class, sooooo I am going to count this as my post for the week! Anyway, when I listen to the poem and read it, I took it as like Whitman was explaining the life of this spider and what he goes through and deals with. Then off of that description he compared the life of another person. When he said the bit about the spider sending out its strings or whatever I pictured like this guy on a like pedestal in the middle of a valley with other mountains around him but his rope want not long enough to reach any of them. soooo yea that's my take!

Self worth or realization

When winstons talking to julia he says "we are the dead, i feel like he realizes that they are both dead inside, and have no joy in life, like they have no purpose. idk if thats really self worth but thats what i thought