Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More Essays! Eek!

Well I don't know about you but I'm starting to feel that end of trimester crunch! It makes me nervous to think about the synthesis essay and portfolio completion in that amount of time! I know we'll all be fine but it's enough to get my stress levels trembling. I have to say, I'm getting better at firing out essays. I'm hoping this next one will be as close to a breeze as college english gets!

What are the chances?

Today I was working on a crossword puzzle and I came across a six letter space with the hint "Working class, to Orwell" and I knew the answer, score!

oh boy...

I'm really glad I finally got my 2nd draft back for the Op-Ed. And i'm even happier that i'm conferencing with Stariha tomorrow because all the editing and comments she did have left me soo lost for my final draft D:

One step forward, two steps back, two forward then trip backwards...

Just finishing up the op-ed.  Can't wait for the early weekend to come.  Getting close to finishing jghg.  I wonder if it'll turn out to be similar to inception...  Meh, who knows... (aside from the few who've finished the book.)

P.S. I REALLY gotta make a playlist for homework.  This switching every two minutes has to stop

P.S.S.  Ms. Stariha, I'm very sorry i forgot about our after school meeting.  You think we could reschedule it for tomorrow morning? (provided you're there).

P.S.S.S mental note, download the entire ducktails show


I am soooo tired. This post doesn't have anything to do with college english but i am so tired today..... not good.

For the people who are confused about my post.

Ok so, let's all flip our lids, that sounds like fun. Here's the thing. Apparently I view these contreversial issue debates differently than everyone else. I go in to class merely for to debate for the sake of debating, not to "express my beliefs" but solely to debate. I say things during the debate that don't fit with my point of view, but it doesnt matter, I'm not tryng to express my view I'm just rying to make a good debate. It doesnt matter to me which side people think I'm on. It doesnt matter to me if people think I hate Gays or if they think I am Gay. I really dont care. So I guess that's why I said it was kinda weird that everyone was putting up posts just to say "this is my view right here so that everyone knows and they dont get it twisted". I guess I didnt know that it was that important to people. and MY B I mixed up Sarah Moon and Sarah Lonecki. Thats where that FCA thing came from. So hate me if you want. I dont care

imagine me crying.

so site has managed to hurt me deep down... my blog from monday, yeah it didnt post. even ask josh moore i blogged, and now its gone. (cry) (cry) (cry)

**sad face