Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spongebob vs 1984

So today I didn't make it to school because "I wasn't feeling well."
And during my relaxing, wonderful day off, I watched Spongebob.
As I was watching Spongebob, it showed him in a situation where he became stunned.

As a result of his unbelief, he shattered to pieces.
The next screen showed him put back together and talking to Patrick.
Can you say DOUBLETHINK!
I then started thinking about all of these cartoons that show that kind of stuff.
Kids and people doublethink all the time when they're watching TV!
Maybe I'm exaggerating a lil bit.
But when I saw that it just made me think of 1984.
Isn't that terrible?
College English and Brit Lit sneak into my thoughts outside of school.

A couple questions....

1. Is there a time limit to our senior portfolio? Cause I heard that Mrs. Glerum's class has a 7 minute time limit and I'm sorry but that is nooooot gonna happen with me...that's like crazy fast!

2. Do we have to dress up for our controversial issue presentations? or are we allowed to wear something..umm.. coordinating with our topic?