Saturday, March 17, 2012

Test = Zits.

I've been happy with my complexion for the last few weeks...but then this test messed it all up I swear I broke out in 3 different places during and after this test. So. Not. Cool.

Thank You Mama Stariha

I feel pretty dang good about that test or quiz or whatever it was! I don't know if I'm just use to the time crunch or was having a good day or what but I almost... like it? Some sick part of me likes that stressed but confident feeling I suppose! So thank you, Mama Stariha (that is your new PWB themed name bye the way).


quiz or test? i'm not sure..

so today i was really stressed with our quiz or test. i felt like i knew the right answers, but i didn't have enough time to develop them or make them sound half-way decent enough for ms. stariha to give me a good grade for them...shucks.

and i couldn't find my stress relief hand sanitizer. that made me even more stressed.

but on the bright side, i really like the book actually. i started reading it last night a lot and this morning. and i read ahead, and i used that on the test. not sure if i was allowed to...but i guess i'll just have to wait and see.