Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Im really pumped this tri is almost over meaning we seniors have one left and we are off to bigger and better things...


Bet that tittle got your attention. But Stariha would you be a happier teacher more inclined to give some nice grades on that JGHG test, portfolios, synthesis essays, and those exam project if I brought you some cheese its? Just a thought but really if it will help I will!!! And I thought of all of this because I was eating an Oreo and thought of Mrs. Glerum. lol

The Trials and Tribulations of this Final Project

Well, mostly this a complaining post about how i hate technology sooo no one really needs to read this...

1. The files of our video were not compatible with windows movie maker so i had to use a new program that toooook forever annnnd
2. saved files in massive forms of 1.83 GB..too big for a CD or most of my flashdrives but I had an awesome 2 GB flashdrive I could use except.....
3. for some reason it got on write-protection mode and i couldn't get it off sooo....
4. I saved it in a different and smaller form and finalllllyyy got it on a flashdrive but now...
5. It won't play on any of the school computers sooo....
6. I am uploading it to youtube and IT BETTER WORK or i am going to be bringing my entire laptop into class tomorrow.

Kaitlin and better love me. hahahah just kidding. :p
...but really.

Freaking out about this final exam project..... what if she hates it


Exam Projects!

So with the test out of the way I am now excited to see the exam projects! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up! I'm a bit disappointed that I never got see the portfolio projects...I was looking for to seeing those too. But I think all the creative stuff will fun tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Yeah it just made me think of Joe.


So today I really felt like I nailed the first essay. After thinking for a bit it hit me, and I was like, I GOT IT! I think that I might have broken that "barrier" that has kept me from writing as good as I can.

Thrice toasted bread, behold the loss of your hearing

For once I'm feeling confident on my test.  So far I really haven't hit a writers block.  I bet its bound to happen though.  Although, I think my chances of passing it are a little bit better than a fart's chance in a whirlwind.  As for the chance of an ice day tomorrow, I've got mixed emotions.  On one hand, there's the chance I'll be able to sleep in and then devote the day to finishing up some loose ends.  Plus, 3rd and 5th hour have projects for their exams.  On the opposite, the driving may be like running over a banana in mario kart if we do have school, but we'll have more time on the test.  Meh, such is life. 

I think I'm enjoying coming up with titles for my blog posts too much.  I got to remember to check how much butter is left, and check to see if the microwave is being used before making toast...

I was quite tempted to start headbanging during the One video.  It probably would've been awkward with only me doing it.

I didn't meant to publish that blank blog..... sorry

What I wasssss going to say was that I've been having day dreams that are actually nightmares (would that be called daymares?) about Stariha grading my stuff (portfolio, final exam, ect.) and hating it and just tearing it to pieces with her grading and stuff.... ITS TERRIBLE! I know I shouldn't freak out... But its not working... I'm a nervouse reck!


So my mom brought to my attention the other day that you (Stariha) gave me a 0 for blogging a couple weeks ago, which was the week that I got my wisdom teeth out (which I had a pre-plan and a doctor's note for). I just don't think I deserve a 0 if I had a note and pre-plan...

Lemony Snicket

“Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would stay in our mother’s wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women.” ― Lemony Snicket

I love this quote. I feel like it relates to the book too. With the womb, and seeing what were getting into. But perhaps unlike Joe, it wouldn't be so bad to live in our minds. Seeing as at least I do that most of the time. Then again, I have arms, and legs, and a mouth, and well everything that he doesn't have.


By far the biggest assignment that is used just to make us do something. I how does this have anything to do with us graduating? and what is it teaching us? I do not know. BUUUTTTT now that it is over I do feel accomplished. Maybe that is the reason for it. To boost the moral of us students? So we could almost say that our portfolio is comparable to Lazarus? we have finally shot our portfolios off the fence of senior year and we all feel better now? Maybe but no one can be for sure.

(P.S)- the point of this blog was to complain but i guess i turned it into a very good analogy to the book....YAY ME!


Well i'm really not feeling this test today, if i fail....idk...ill probably be a little upset.


running on three hours of sleep:/ hoping for a good day:p lol

Monday, February 27, 2012

My Fav Quote

"It was silence so dense that it ceased to be silence. It changed from a thing to a thought and in the end it was only fear."

One More Week...

Well, I've got a bit of work left to do on my project. Hopefully I'll be able to breath a bit after this Trimester is over. I'm not worried about the ACT and MME so that won't be a problem. I'll just be bored out of my mind for 4 hours or so.


Oh what a relief it is to have the portfolio out of the way.  Those tacos were good.  The sauce gave me heartburn though, meh, it was good.  I found a game on my computer that i downloaded a while ago thats called jimmy lost his toiletpaper, wonder if it's a pun on jghg.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


SO, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately on war because of all these discussions we've been having, and the book. But Im still left with feeling unsatisfied. I feel like I cannot grasp a real solution to this problem we have on our hands. On one side, I can see the brutality of war, and how it hurts the individual, and how horrible it can be. But on the other hand, I can see how it could be viewed as necessary and defense. For instance, lets say, we all rally together and decide not to fight. What happens when the one group of people in a far out country decide they are going to kill everyone just for fun? Demanding not to have war, is like asking for world peace. Although it would be ideal, is it truly attainable?

Dear Portfolio,

What to say to you of so much frustration,
of long nights working on you,
of confusion of what to do for you,
of unsatisfactory when you look horrible.
of excitement when you look pretty
of sadness when of realization of how much work you are
of accomplishment when YOU ARE DONE.
dear portfolio, thanks for being a PAIN IN MY BUTT, but even more thanks for being done.



I was just thinking about how Dalton Trumbo really was a literary genius. His writing technique has tremendous depth and faucets! I am glad that we read this book in class and connect it with other works to give it additional meaning. When you think about it he took an extremely simple subject (Joe-a man with no arms, legs, mouth, nose, deaf, dumb, and blind) which most people could do little with (except wait for him to die) and wrote a book that has caught the attention of the world. He used so many different styles it blows my mind! Ex. Stream of Consciousness, flashbacks, the dead, the living, Christ, Lazarus. I think he is my new hero lol.....yes I am aspiring to be a writer like Trumbo some day.


So excited to be all finished with my portfolio! I worked all day Saturday on that thing just trying to get it finished because I have had so much homework. :( Oh well one more week and then we get a break! I'm so excited! I have a feeling like my brain is going to be fried by the end of it. Guess there is nothing you can everyone keep going! You can do it! Haha Mallory if you read this that reminded me of Coach P in strength training talking about your "you can do tattoo." Anyways here is a thought I felt was appropriate for exam week and all of us over achieving college english students who are stressed out of our mind lol. Stressed is desserts spelled backward. I think that the two definitely coincide with each other!


Tonya: There is totally math in baking. especially when you have to double a recipe. (good thing there isnt spelling) just messing with ya

Sarah Moon: I don't know how any of the subs could yell at Tyesha, 1st does she ever do anything wrong and 2nd I bet under that shy exterior she could actually beat us all up

Christian: I'm not sure if you could take Stariha out.... you get off topic WAY worse than she does. And you cant talk about lust without getting really red. exucuse me..I mean more red

Noah and the Whale people: this post goes up there with maddies hero cake one!! I lvoe it. but I dont have anything to add im sorry

Johnny vs 1984

So...I have to say I really liked both of these books. And I read them. On time! those are a few things I could seldom say for Brit Lit. I'm really glad I took this class. True most times I want to kill all of you and sometimes Stariha (maybe thats just cause I think I cold beat Kbell in the fight for Jeremy) but anyways I really liked that they both connected pretty well. especially that they were kinda reverse. Joe started where Winston ended and Winston started where Joe ended. You know what I mean?

Johnny vs 1984

So...I have to say I really liked both of these books. And I read them. On time! those are a few things I could seldom say for Brit Lit. I'm really glad I took this class. True most times I want to kill all of you and sometimes Stariha (maybe thats just cause I think I cold beat Kbell in the fight for Jeremy) but anyways I really liked that they both connected pretty well. especially that they were kinda reverse. Joe started where Winston ended and Winston started where Joe ended. You know what I mean?

Well....Here comes exam week

Its not the MOST stressful weekend of my life but its definitely the 2nd. Controversial issue on monday. portfolio on monday, test tues-wed. project thursday. synthesis friday. plus an anatomy packet that is trying to eat me and the spanish language breathing down my neck and a video for guitar class.....all I can say is Thank the Lord for band and that lab day on friday!!!!


I have no clue what to do for my end of the year project....i guess maybe tomorrow when i have time with thy evil one ideas will be inspired


I hate this whole blogging thing being part of a grade because i dont know what do blog half the tiem. I go to blog and sit at a computer for like 20 mins thinking what to blog what to blog then im like ohh whatever maybe something will come to me later....and it never does

Math and Baking

So I don't know if this will be acceptable but I'm just going to hope so cause its going in. For one of my academic skills I am using math and I am relating it to baking. Yeah lame I know but guess who doesn't have any academic skills .... this girl. So yeah ohh well ahh just contribute this to the fact that being mediocre is Suckey and there's no good academic points to pull out of my past high school career. :P


For my resume...
In my portfolio...
Am i supposed to put the second page with my references in there?
Or not?
And if so its gonna have to be on a page all by itself and it looks kinda bad because its pretty much a blank piece of paper....
so i am sick AGAIN. this sucks. anyway, i have a high fever and i can't keep water down soo it's safe to say i will not be school tomorrow.
- i sent you an email but just to be safe, my mom will be bringing my portfolio in the morning so i get a grade and can graduate. i will run my antigone lines at home. okay.


today i was pretty mad about my stupid job.
i was trying to finish my portfolio (that i need to graduate.) but no....i have to work from 4:30-2 a.m. so right now, its 2:27 in the morning (the time that i should be sleeping), and i'm working on my portfolio. i'm freaking out...a lot, because i can't find my camera cord that hooks to the computer, and i don't have an exhibit for flexibility, and whats his name didn't give me a recommendation letter, and neither did stariha.
so i think that i probably won't be graduating.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


i wanna get this exam project outta my hair so i can focus on the synthesis and johnny got his gun test..

johnny got his gun ending

duse this ending and whole book was so awesome i loved it it reallly speaks bad about societys messed up view on war and how we like to ignore the truth and keep it that way .. ll togeter one of my favorite books for aure

ibelieve that we will win

cheeer regionals tomorrrow everyone should come .. er like at least hope or pray or whatever you do that we will win
...mkkkaay bye :)

i realllly like maritza?

shes over right now with landin and we were working on the portfolios alllll night and i stayed up later bc she went to bed with landin and i come down sairs and shes like scrunched in a ball on a tiny chair
.. i was so confused i was like dude there my bed and a bed next to you and a longer couch next you you and you choose that .. ? but she wanted to stay there so ooh welll but landins adorable , it makes me wanna get pregant lmaooo . annnnndd maritza and i motivate each other to do bettter (: yay ! go us! .. oh and ive been drinking a pot of coffeeeeee sooooo yaaa maybe thats why il still up...

night owl :)

welll this probably seems very odd posting at 3:30 in the morning but i have been procrastinating alll trimester on this senipr portfolio i feel and i either procrastinte or do it all ahead of time for most projects so since ita te last weekend i was determined to get it alldone tonight and ha look at me im all done :) dang that was a lot of work and those darn letters were just a pain in the but but its done and its done welll so now i can relax t the rest of the weeekend .... ahhhh (:

Friday, February 24, 2012


So first off let me say that I think it's just hilarious how every time we have a sub Tyesha gets 'yelled' at by them. :)

Second off, I love work days at school. I feel like it is so much more productive for me. I can't be distracted by Tumblr, Facebook, or Youtube. So I actually get stuff done! Yay for work days.
All books should contain a disclaimer like Mark Twain's.

"Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.

Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

It might put Stariha out of a job but I still think so.

college english...

Sooo im having fun thinking about everything i have to do this weekend... oh joy. lol at least i have the synthesis essay out of the way. But i will be killing myself to make my portfolio perfect and thinking of what to do for the exam project.

Running in circles and running out of room

Tired of working until 12 each night, thank goodness its almost over.  They need to make the computer desks a little bit bigger or i need to get a smaller laptop.  Thank goodness its almost dead...  kinda like me... 


Great book

I really enjoyed Johnny Got His Gun. It was just a really good read, and I really liked the way the book was set up. The way that the text was all written like Joe's stream of consciousness was pretty sweet. I wish there could have been an ending like Joe actually breaking free, but either way i really enjoyed the novel.

Synthesis is getting mean

While I was writing my essay... I realized that it is a little insulting. And its mean to everyone, to me, to you (whoever YOU are). Idk... don't take offense Stariha... I think you would agree... but its just a little mean, this is okay right?

im so bored....


So I'm close to done with the portfolio. It is just really sucking right now because I have to put all of my pictures on, but i don't have any good ones to use except for the ones on Facebook and of course you can not get onto Facebook at school so this work day is becoming unproductive because i9 cant put pictures on but I guess I could work on my final project, but I don't know what I'm going to do so I am just really confused, and i think i have successfully made the blogs longest sentence.


so i guess im always wrong...which means i am wrong about this post, which means its like a double negative...hmmmm? im confused...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

So i just recently watched the movie in time and it reminded me alot about 1984 and how the governent would keep the low class low and the high class high. I suggest people watch it


Pretty happy about tomorrow's work day in class:)

My Quote

Page 235
He had done nothing to them. He wasn't to blame for the trouble he was
causing yet there were drawing the curtain around him stuffing him back
into the womb back into the grave saying to him goodbye don't bother us
don't come back to life the dead should stay dead and we are done with you.

I picked this quote because it shows that Joe was innocent. He had been just a normal man who got himself entangled in a War that cost him everything...everything but his mind. After being stuck inside of 'the womb' for so long, Joe managed to escape for a time only to realize the outside World didn't want the truth. The outside World wanted him to die...they wanted the truths of War to die in order to prevent people from rebelling against it.
This shows how selfish and cruel people are. The men gave Joe a pin which symbols that he was noble and honorable..but if they actually cared and were grateful for Joe giving up everything they would give him what he asked for. But the military is full of chickens because they are too afraid to show the truths because it would mean they would have a harder time finding men to give up save no one.
No one benefited from Joe 'dying' was only Joe's loss.
I was always told to Thank soldiers for fighting for my freedom, so I didn't have to.
But...I don't feel any more or less free now than I did before...I feel lied to.
What is the reason for fighting this time?
Don't even try to tell me, its for my freedom because as long as there is War and Deceit in the government, I'm not free...none of us are.

But why argue, right? Because nothing is going change. No matter how passionate we might feel now...rarely does someone come along and attempt to rebel.
Why do you think there aren't too many novels of the truths of war? And if there are, you sure never hear about them.
(Well I don't anyways...haha)

Goodnight Fellow Bloggers

War What is it Good For?

I was writing my essay when I realized the fine line that divides words like murder, assassination, and killing. On their own don't we associate all of them with bad connotations? But each is used in different situations to sound less harsh than the others. Take for this for example- Osama Bin Laden was killed. Osama Bin Laden was assassinated. Osama Bin Laden was murdered. Doesn't killed seem less violent than murdered? I've never heard Bin Laden's death referred to as murder. Yet in the end they all mean the same thing! Are we really that manipulated?

Walk like a zombie, Headbang like a rockstar, Shave like...Mr.Clean?

Yugh, almost done with the portfolio, looks like one more long night.  The weekend looks brighter than ever and sleeping in never looked so good!  It feels weird having shaved my beard (or scruff, whatever you wanna call it...) off.  I wonder if girl's legs feel this way if they haven't shaved them in months....  I know mine did that one time, but that was after never shaving them, and after 7-8 years of hairy legs.  This is really turning into a weird blog post... You know, I could probably pass for a girl if I put some make-up on.  An ugly one, but a chick none the less...

Also, a reply to Maddie's reply, Tetris came from Rooshia, hence the mother Rooshia puns and the "From Rooshia with fun!" slogan when it came out.


just letting everyone know, Garrett always is wrong...

Random Thoughts...

1. I still think Joe died at the end of the book...I know, I know, y'all don't think he did but I prefer to have my own opinion of the book and interpret it differently.
2. My computer's hard drive just crashed meaning that now I have to try to switch alllll my projects and essays over to my sister's laptop and hope that our backup hard drive worked.
3. Independent Study Physics is killing me.
4. So is lent...I am craving those red vines in the vending machine..
5. I hate Pep Assemblies...yay.
6. This tri seemed to go really insane fast...hmm, graduation is gonna come fast. I'm gonna miss some of you. hahah :p

The false mirror

Previously I posted a bunch of pictures by Rene Magritte. I think that the false mirror perfectly portrays Joe in Johnny Got His Gun, especially since all he can do is think. Behind his eyes lays his world not in front of his eyes; which is a different concept for most people whose world lies in front of them, Johnny is left hopeless and completely alone, no one will listen to him or pay him any attention. So to him the most important thing is his mind and not necessarily his body.

Final Exam

So should I bring in my idea for my final exam to see you (Ms. Stariha) before the exam is actually do? OR should I just do it and wait for the surprise factor in it?


Today's Discusssion

I really enjoyed today's discussion. I felt as if we got a lot of information. I hope we all do well on the test. I feel as if I know the book so much better than the other books (this might be becuase they are sorta connecting in my mind) (like a big spider web)...

Does anyone else feel desperate when you finish JGHG. I felt like I needed to run and breath, and shout and cry, and fight and love all at once... it was really weird.


Just letting everyone know, Kendra is always right.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Been Stressing

Life's been stressful lately but oh well I guess. =P
I haven't really felt like posting on the blog because I haven't had anything important to say.
I've been thinking a lot about how corrupt and messed up the world has become.
A man got arrested for shooting at a thief to warn him and make him stay until the police came. The man who shot a warning fire was also arrested because he was being 'reckless'....he did the right thing by getting this man caught from stealing from his neighbors and he still got in trouble. Things like that just prove how men cannot be Just. They are bad judges...sending innocent to jail and letting the real guilty go free. God is Just...He is a good judge who gives the people what they deserve. =) So, no more innocents getting punished and no more guilty roaming free. Just thought I'd share what was on my mind tonight. =)

The Cellos

Anyone else like Maroon 5? Check it out!

Artistic Examples

If anyone wanted to use a painting for their final project here are some really cool ones by Rene Magritte! One of my favorites that I don't want to put on here because of nudity is called "Attempting the impossible" if you like these paintings look it up!

The false mirror
The False Mirror

Popular Panorama

Popular Panorama

The lovers

La Lectrice Soumise


why is Jesus playing cards??!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Silly Stuff with Noah and the Whale

Where will we be in "5 Years Time"? Will it be "The First Days of Spring" with "Blue Skies"? Will we meet a "Stranger" named "Mary"? Will "I Have Nothing" and be "Waiting for My Chance to Come"? Will we have a "Love of an Orchestra"? When will we realize that "My Door is Always Open"? "Tonight's the Kind of Night" to ask such questions because "Life is Life", so "Do What You Do" until "Old Joy" comes back as "Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down".

Work Day

Kind of sad that I missed the work day at school and turned it into a sick day at home. Add that with the fact that I sent the wrong essay to Mrs. Stariha, and my day has been kind of lame. But I hear birds outside, so that's something to be happy about :)

final exam

i have absolutely no idea what i want to do for my final exam project. i was talking about it with brianna yesterday and she just made me ohhh so upset because she that artistic person who already knows what shes going to do... yes brianna im hatin on you right now, feel the hate? you should. ha, loooove you :)

ok people, any suggestions?

Monday, February 20, 2012

One Day

I'm surprised at how calm I am after only one day of work. I've managed to get about half of my project done, and all i have to do for my portfolio is organize it. YAY!

Not panicing, not panicing, okay, I'm panicing

Little bit afraid at how fast this marking period has gone.  O well, better use the time i have left to its fullest.  On a side note, I've almost finished drawing the cover, its looking marvelous.  Tissues are an artist's best friend, for shading that is.  The Tetris B-type theme in the background is helping to spur me on.  Finish the portfolio for Mother Russia!

Reefer Madness

So I dont know if any of you have ever seen this movie but it's called Reefer Madness. It's pretty old and really stupid. It was meant to scare people about pot and they say it's worse then heroin. It's a pretty rediculous movie. haha

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lust and Love

I was watching Downton Abbey today like I do most Sundays and they touched on the difference between lust and love! I thought that- what a coincidence! That got me to thinking more on the subject. Is lust a bad thing? Or does lust merely learn towards ruin? I think lust has gotten a bad name. You only hear about lust in destructive ways so I wonder if it has ever done good and its just never worth a mention? Hmm?

Just a disturbing thought.....

So does anyone remember when Joe was describing the day nurse and he imagined her a older much larger woman..... Thanks to Brianna Sterken for pointing out that it might be a MAN!!!AHH!!!

Also I would like to comment/post myself that I (like Matt) am assuming that tomorow is another peer edit day????

hmm bloggin time :)

so I'm just siting her in bed reading the blog. Thinking about cheer and lust, creepy nurses and my life skills, war and the weird dreams I've been having, weed and Christ, pretty much a bunch of random stuff. But wasn't chapter seventeen just so random I mean yes i know hes all drugged up and yes i know hes lonely but really! Weirdest chapter yet I'm gonna have to say. I would also like to express how hard it is for me to find the backspace button on my computer right now, it is very frustrating. Well I think I am going to hit the hay now so to speak, I wonder what weird dreams I will have tonight. And I will leave you all with this thought that will probably not make any sense. If Joe cant tell between his subconscious and his conscious, do we know if our subconscious talks to our conscious? who knows? whats your thoughts? and do dreams mean anything??? All right enough weirdness for one night see you all tomorrow :)

and you know my tittle kinda like clobbering time :P

Comment (trying to figure this out I promise)

8976347895 Now not only will blogger not let me comment it won't let me put in numbers! APPARENTLY 3 is not a recognized field


Tyler I deem you the new Kurt of picture blogs. The storm trooper one made me laugh so hard. Love nerds and Star Wars

Portfolio Phase 5

Tomorrow is just another peer revision day isn't it? I've misplaced my calendar and i want to make sure that the whole thing isn't due tomorrow.


Well, for those of you who don't know I always have a bad case of nerves. Even little things make me nervous. I know right? But I feel like my nerves are going CRAZY right now. I'm still re-cooping from my audition yesterday, which made me feel like I was going to jump out of my skin. And NOW I'm nervous for controversial issues and portfolios and such. I'm kind of freaking out. I'm also nervous for our quiz. And scholarships.....don't even get me started. And all I want to do is sleep so I can get healthy but I dont have time. But if I did have time I'd be to nervous to sleep! Oh Me! Oh Life!

and some more thoughts...

well i just opened my bag and i have to JGHG books in my bag. which is...pretty funny because i have one JGHG in my bed. so i have a total of 3. anyone need one? i guess i just keep picking them up at class and bringing them home. don't worry, i'll bring them back.
oh and i am writing my essay right now...well finishing it. and i actually like this essay. so i'm spending a lot more time than i usually would on an essay...
well see you all tomorrow in the best class in the school!


So I would like to say that I do not particualarly care whether weed is legalized or not. I feel like those who are going to smoke, will smoke it whether its legal or illegal. I also feel as though I have to agree with the other people in the class who had already mention their love of how stariha was so chill. props to our chill teacher stariha, also props to the brownie thing, HA, great idea Garrettttt and tyylleerrr :)

our lustful discussion

So, Im not going to lie, the discussion on sex made me feel uncomfortable, not because I wasnt okay that we had it, just because I feel like the situation was sooo sketchy. I mean, even more than that it kinda weirded me out that we were just discussing it in class. haha, Stariha, I dont want you to think that Im bashing because that is totally not it, its just like that awkward moment when its only awkward because its not awkward? Well, Im not sure if that makes sense, but Im just saying.

andddd, side note, So I plan to go into the medical field, and I dont think I would ever do that to someone to calm them down, just saying. ha.

Theory of a Sick Person

So, Tonya and I had all these nice plans for dinner and a movie Saturday night annnd did we go? No. Because I ended up with a fever, wanting to puke and dizzy when I walked around annd Tonya got a migraine. Tonya has this theory that it's because we've been going and going with school, and College English and Cheer and college stuff and life and we finally hit a wall. Not complaining (well yeah I am because this sucks, i feel super crappy) just a warning to all you out there to get some sleep and rest before you too end up like us, poor unfortunate souls, who are sick.

just a thought...

so i'm sitting here doing my rough draft of my synthesis essay and i was looking up the motto's of each of the different people. and then i remembered JGHG and some of the short packets of stories that stariah gave us. and the people were saying how bad war is and how we don't realize how bad it is and it has a lot of damage afterwards. but then i thought of all the recruiters there are. they are always at school, i see them at my work all the time, and they call you, talking to everyone they come in contact with about how they need to sign up and blah, blah, blah. i don't get why they do that if war is such a bad thing.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Busy... but rewarding

Has anyone had a lot of work to do, and then at night you sit there and think through all of the things that you did and you are so pleased with yourself. I am hoping that is what I will feel after this weekend. I feel a bit stressed with all the work that I have to do, but I am tyring to look at the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow (okay... bad analogy because rainbows are pretty... and some of this work isn't that pretty but just plain ugly!) and tell myself that it will all be worth it when I get to class and I feel satisfied and prepared. Yup... that's what I am going for.

Back to the Lust Discussion

Hahaha...I was in a for a real shock when I walked into class that day. LOL
I read the Chapters and didn't catch onto Anything. was kind of embarrassing but not really. It would have been better if I was prepared to talk about it though. I didn't catch on to the whole Nurse thing and then the Whore house was it?? I thought that it was talking about a Mother and her 6 daughters and the guys were curious as to why they were in the house and why the girls didn't seem to go often. hahaha...So yeah, I reread stuff after class and I was like...Wow, hahaha... I totally missed the whole point. I was wondering why the book started talking about past girlfriends after the Nurse gave him a 'massage'. Awkward. =P

My sister and I were up last night trying to remember the sounds of different Pokemon. That was fun. =P

Friday, February 17, 2012

Controversial Discussions

I'm so sad realizing this was our second to last! I love having these discussions! And may I say that we all have done a terrific job!? Go us! Today's topic made me think back on all the other presentations and realize why I think it's so important that we are doing this. I'm a pretty opinionated person to begin with but I realized that looking further into some of the topics my opinions sometimes shifted or became more defined. Not to mention looking at all issues from the perspective and morals of everyone in the class. By talking about these topics we're able to base our opinions on more than just hearsay and speculations. Yay for us!

weeeeeeeeed discussion

welll i didnt think todays was much of a debate no one had strong feelings on either side which i guess made it less hectic which was good but yeah idk i guess its cool how mrs. stariha is so cool about everything and like just honestly wanted to know who had tried it without getting mad or telling on us... she did say she thought it was disguesting ,. so hopefully she doesnt hate/think im diguesting now for trying it ... lol either way uh me and maritza were agreeing on a lot of mrs.starihas points for how they should not make it illegal soo uh mrs.stariha for president :)))))

synthesis essay

welll at first i was kinda thinking this would be a short essay but uhh mines turning out to be kinda longer than i exoected but i find it really easy to write because like i feel like its just a cumilation of all the stuff we have been talking about and reading all trimester so its a good way to sum everything up .. also i was kinda bummed the rough draft isnt due till monday because i worked hard on it yesterday bu ti guess that just leaves me more free time on the weekend yay !!!

johnny got his gun quiz

i thought the quiz was pretty easy because i took really goo notes this time on all the stuff we talked about which was like exactly the type of questions that was on the quiz so that was gooood and i thought it was like 5489165296578 times better on my carpal tunnel lol not having to write it all just typing it was so much faster and better and took up a lot less room ohh and saved paper always lookin out for that enviroment lol :)

two post in a row, yes.

weed. weed. weed. weed. weed. weed. weed. weed. weed.
other drugs. other drugs. other drugs. other drugs. other drugs. other drugs.

my personal opionion!
i honestly think if all drugs were legalized there would be less temptation to try them.
like maddie said in class today, most people want to try them because they are a big deal right now and were told that we cant do them. if they were legal them i believe the desire for them would decrease.

and i dont see how if alchol is legal why is it so wrong for drugs? they both change you and with stuff like weed there is less of a chance for car accidents than drinking and driving.

sometimes things just dont make sense.


back to thursdays class discussion on lust.
i thought about this topic for a good while after class and i really do think war and sex are one in the same. with war you have the moment of climax when you are at war going through all those fast and dangerous motions, and at times it is pleasing at war. and with sex how it relates to war is you get lost in what other people say about it and want to do it but when you done theres nothing left and some people even get hurt by lossing someone, and with war it is the same way. and im not saying that every person who has sex is gonna be left by that person or they will actually care dont jump on me for that. but i really dont see how the two dont relate and i think its crazy that trumbo could make a connection like that. i think that really applies to our generation and we can relate to it the most.


i hope everyone likes the browinies i made, but dont make fun of me, ive never made brownies before, haha....

Ohhhhh happy day

So I am spo stinkin excited right now that the synthesis essay isn't due. This means that I have more the.... My day ( rather morning niw ) isn'tgoing to be consumed with writing about war. Anways I just really wanted to say thank you to ms. Stariha for being amazing! Yayyy

Ode To Stress

With or without tests
I'm always stressed

Here or there
I freak out everywhere

This weekend will suck
Well it will with any luck

You see I'll be tied down with stuff
It needs to be done no matter how tough

I'm deprived of good sleep
Yet constantly eat

And now I write bad post on the blog
I should write but I'd would rather sob

Now dont judge me you fool
We all go through hell thanks to school

For real- don't judge me it's too late for me to care.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I really dont know what to post about... Self Submission? Sewing? Unrelated plot devices?

Sorta struggling with the synthesis essay.  Finding it a little difficult to manipulate the words to my whims.  Almost want to go and watch Redgreen for a little bit then come back.  I have the content, I just got to weave it together.  Also, why is it at times like this I get marvelous ideas for stories and yet lame ideas for my essay....  I'd hit myself into submission but that would accomplish little to nothing.  For one, due to the position of my arms on my body, it would take multiple blows to subdue myself.  And two, it would waste valuable time I could be using to formulate a plan of action.  Alas, my thread has yet to meet my needle (its hard getting a needle started with thread).  Technically, the plan is already made.  It just needs to be applied.  ...Dangit, another story idea...  Should the main character die part way through?  Should I make a stupid and unexpected plot twist and the end?  Argh, the list goes on and on to haunt me....   Its funny how when I'm goofing around and writing its as easy as making a bowl on a pottery wheel but when it gets serious, I get a pseudo-stagefright thing going on.  I hope my chances of passing this class are better than a fart in a whirlwind...

Also, that discussion was a bit weird today. I doubt I was the only one who felt awkward.

P.S.  I think Joe should do morse code with his pecks... just sayin'.  If he still has pecks...

My Brain Hurts (Again)

I really do not like writing expository essays. I am a creative person, not a politician, i don't know how to express things really well in the "correct" way.

There, this is my one "angry" post. Well, there might be another, but I doubt it.

Morse Cord

So I was reading the part in the book when the Man uses morse code to communicate back with Joe, and I found myself tapping my head on the back of my chair trying to mimmic what Joe would be doing, its very time consuming! Still I think its good to know!

Analysis essay

Writing this synthesis essay is making me feel... unpatriotic? That's really the only way I can describe it and its not the first time I thought that this class is a little anarchist based. But even if it is I cant say I'm not enjoying College English because its a different view that I've never seen before and I can see the backing behind the opinions that the government is manipulating everyone but I just think that our country is in real bad shape if we can't even trust our government.

And just something interesting I found out doing research for the analysis essay, Regina Spektor has a song called "Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori" which is the phrase out of Owen's poem.

Synthesis RD Due Tomorrow

I won't have time to look at the Synthesis Essay this weekend because of all my other grading, so you guys don't need to turn it in till Monday.
Ms S about that class discussion?

i know ms. stariha said this at the end of class...but where she said he used sex as a metaphor for the war because we've experienced lust and those kinds of things. which i think is definitely true. but umm yes...ha

Joe is normal!

I'm trying to write my essay right now and I'm thinking...we are all just like Joe. When Joe says he cant sleep he really cant, but he is just like us. He is continually awake, and when he is quote on quote "sleeping" it is like when we daydream. That's how i see it anyway. So as i sit here daydreaming I guess i am making a connection with Joe. So either i am really screwed up like Joe or Joe isn't so different from us.


Today was probably the weirdesty class that i have ever been in before. Even the sex ed part of health class freshman year was better than today. I have to say that i have a new found respect for College English, because I am pretty sure that it has made me feel the most uncomfortable I have ever felt before lol I would also like to send a thank you out to laura for making me read the Rudy part over and over again because i was so disturbed by what he was saying. I wish we wouldnt have discussed today cause i was completely oblivious to what was going on. i was so tired last night that i think i was reading while sleeping, but thanks to class i have the full understanding. yay :/ lol

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The New Yorker

March 17, 2003Now the link will not work without a subscription to the New Yorker magazine, but this is the cover that won't show up on Stariha's website :)
This may have already have been said but does the synthesis have to be in MLA format?

Just thoughts?

You know I was thinking about how Joe was all angry that he got that Medal of Honor. It's just sort of interesting how you really have to do something major to be recognized in this world..good or bad. Like Joe has to basically live death, in order to be noticed. Or other men are horrible killing machines and are noticed. But then those millions of soldiers that die aren't recognized simply because they didn't do something recognizable, but I think dying for someone/something is huge, you know?
I guess what brought this up was that Whitney Houston dying thing..well Grandpa Joe from Charlie and The chocolate Factory died too. I guess he just wasn't cool enough to be noticed.

JGHG Cameo

Has anyone noticed that Joe has a camero in Forrest Gump? When Forrest goes to show Lt. Dan his Medal of Honor notice, Dan has been replaced by a man completely covered in bandages.

Just something I've noticed.


Those pictures are kind of freaking me out a little bit. lol I liked our discussion today in class, the comparisons we drew between the bible story of Lazarus and and Joe was really cool. I thoroughly enjoyed it!


so i am really freaking out about my portfolio. i hate writing stuff about myself. and i feel like it all comes back to my job.
and i don't wanna do a powerpoint...but oh well. can't go back now.
and i really need to catch up on JGHG...i'm pretty far behind.

I saw this and thought about what he looks like under the cloth that covers what should be his face. This picture isn't a very good representation cause the teeth and tongue and everything is still there but it looks gross so I thought that it could resemble him a little bit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If Johnny was a stormtruper haha

While I remember what all I need to say

Ms. Stariha, when you were talking about the op-eds being emailed to you on Sunday, I emailed my final draft that day, that wasn't me looking for more corrections and stuff.

Does anyone know how far we are suppose to be on JGHG

Umm. Yeah I guess that is all that I had to say. haha

Thoughts over evening coffee...

That test was a pain in the...eye.  It would have REALLY helped if we could've used the book... 

Also, try not to laugh...

Bill Authorizes Use of Unmanned Drones in U.S. Airspace

Big Brother is set to adopt a new form of surveillance after a bill passed by Congress will require the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to open U.S. airspace to drone flights under a new four-year plan. The bill, which passed the House last week and received bipartisan approval in the Senate on Monday, will convert radar to an air traffic control system based on GPS technology, shifting the country to an age where satellites are central to air traffic control and unmanned drones glide freely throughout U.S. airspace.

can you say 1984? go and read the full article i might be misunderstanding this but i think this will allow drones to survalence america.....


ok so i am thinking that maybe the quiz was too easy like i think i did good......but thats when the devil attacks when you are feeling your strongest you walk right into her trap....also the op ed i feel as if that was easy for me is that another trap from the devil herself? only time will tell......JK about the devil thing shes more of a fallen angel....wait isnt that the same thing? the world may never know

Interesting Painting

This painting shows Obama stepping on the Constitution and money all over the ground symbolizing how worthless it is. I believe the man in front represents all American workers. But...what do you guys think about this painting?

Valentine's Day

So I was pretty nervous for the quiz this morning, but afterwards I felt pretty confident. I think my large essay went really well, I really really really tried to focus on all of the things Ms. Stariha told us to focus on (the main idea first, less examples, etc.) so hopefully it will turn out :) The only things I didn't feel really confident on were the last 2 extended responses. But oh well, overall though im happy and not as stressed out! yayy!


I'm actually feeling pretty good about that quiz?:) Hopefully I did as good as I thought? haha

Monday, February 13, 2012

Let the blog wars begin....


To Emily Schucardt:
I would like to add something. In context of the New Testament. Rather than Exodus where the original "eye for and eye" verse is found.
Matthew 5:38-40
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well"

Good smelling cake

I guess I'm a tad bit worried about the synthesis essay.  Finished JGHG last week and didn't think the ending was too bad.  I hope we get into some more lighter hearted or less depressing books though.

The cake that was given during the discussion was great.  It smelled awesome...


So I'm sure you've already made the connection but I thought I'd point it out anyways. Remember how in 1984 two and two made 5? Well now we know (thanks to JGHG) that two and two actually make nothing!

DISCLAIMER: Bible verses included.

So this is only in response to the whole "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" comment. Although the Bible does say that, it says some other things too..

Matthew 8:21-22
"21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Matthew 7:1-5
"1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Luke 13:1-5
"There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

.... three things...
one, the bible says to forgive. not once and not just trvial things, but always.
two, we arent so fancy ourselves.
three, the bible also says that all sins are equal in Gods eyes.

JGHG Quotes

Page 115
"But what did the dead say? Did anybody ever come back from the dead any single one of the millions who got killed did any one of them ever come back and say by god I'm glad I'm dead because death is always better than dishonor."

"Nobody but the dead know whether all these things people talk about are worth dying for or not. And the dead can't talk."

Page 113
"For Christ sake give us things to fight for we can see and feel and pin down and understand."

"You've paid for something you'll never collect."

Page 110
"He can't prove the thing he's talking about so how in the hell can he be telling you to fight for it?"

Page 116
"They are saying that two and two make nothing. They are saying that a man will have to die in order to protect his life."

Page 117
"Life is awfully important so if you've given it away you'd ought to think with all your mind in the last moments of your life about the thing you traded it for. So did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and the safety of the home and the stars and stripes forever? You're goddam right they didn't....They forgot the thing they were fighting for the things they were dying for....They died with only one thought in their minds and that was I want to live I want to live I want to live."

"He could speak for the dead because he was one of them."

Page 118
"There's nothing noble about dying....The most important thing is your life little guys."


So this morning I went to send my essay to Mrs. Stariha, and guess what? It didn't save from last night. So now i'm having to redo all my changes in 30 minutes. I hate technology.

So Much College English

This weekend has been full of College English like no joke! Especially this Sunday in which I have made a death cake, and a handout for our project as well as help fix up our presentation, Finnish my essay and look at the synthesis essay (which I'm slightly confused on). Its just so much English and I don't know how much more I can take!!!

But I hope our presentation goes well tomorrow and everyone is cordial and there is no blog fights started up because of it! (fingers crossed)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday night

I had a pretty productive weekend:) I finished JGH, finished my anatomy packets, worked on my portfolio, finished my op-ed and started brainstorming for my synthesis essay...too bad i didn't do my calc homework:/ ha

Blog = Dating Service?

I know, I know.
I've had a lot of posts tonight.
But these things just come to me.


Anyways I was sorta stalking the Brit Lit A blog and this guy commented on this girl's post and was all like "dont stress out, blah blah blah, you're a beautiful young lady with brains"

Somethin to that effect..

And I was like "Is he hitting on her on the blog?"

And it made me laugh a lil.

Just thought I'd share that with y'all.

The Picture.

So I really liked the picture that stariha put up on Thursday. I thought that it was a really good example of war. I loved how it painted the figures as indistinguishable between human and animal, I think that that was trying to allude to the fact that when it comes to war we turn into animals and beasts that are uncontrollable. I also loved how the light was shown on the picture was man made.. but the candle light was revealing what was really happening... I think that it shows when man intrudes we deceive what is really happening until natural light is shown on the situation.

Yo! Dawg! WORD!

I think I might have too many words in my essay!
Is 838 too many?

haunting my lifeeeee...

Well this whole book is making me constantly track my thoughts.. like how I got to thinking what I am thinking now, and I think its funny because my thoughts are going back to johnny got his gun, so therefore its like johnny got his gun is ruling my life! ha, just kidding. But I really enjoyed book one, I feel like it really showed us a side of war that we dont often see, ... a scary side, and one that dont really like to talk about.

Everyday I'm Strug-Strugglin...

So I'm kinda having a hard time with my Op-Ed.

I have it pretty much finished but I sorta added a lot so I wish I had one more draft for Stariha to look over.

Maybe I'll beg her tomorrow for like a day or two exstension...

You have been warned Stariha!

no school tomorrow?

i would really enjoy another day off tomorrow.
but it's okay i guess. i'm working on my op-ed essay right now...
it's not looking the greatest.

Anyone want to peer edit my oped?

So Im re-writing my oped and it sucks. Why didnt Mrs. Stariha tell me that is sucked? I dont know. All I know is that it sucks and I'm going to get a bad grade, and Im angry. So does anyone want to read it and help me make it suck less?

J.esus G.uarantees H.omes for G.ypsies

Well everytime I see JGHG I try to think of something else that it could stand for.

That is the best I can do.

I have to say I really like the book.

I'm using it as my excuse not to do anything.

My mom will say "Kaitlin put up the dishes!"

And I'll be like "I can't! I'm doing homework!"

Or I will put off my Op-Ed Essay all week because I "have" to read JGHG.

(Even though I'm way ahead)

I can't wait to finish it!


johnny got his gun keeps getting better and better i wont spoil anything for people who havent read that far but i reallly like this book i hope i do good on the quiz on monday when mrs.stariha goes over how the first sentence should sum it all ilup she makes it seem so eay and then wjen it comes down to it on the test i feel like its so muh harder lol oh welll i hope for the beat for everyone .(:

friday off

i reallly enjoyed having friday off ugh 5 days of school a week is just toooo much lol (: but i dis miss fun friday controversial issue.. thats my favorite part of the week .. i wonder if were gonna have another thing like that next tri?


welll now that oped is due tomorrrow i gotta get my last changes done danng just one more essay and were finished with the trimester.! personallly i am excited for the synthesis essay and i think it will really tie in everything we have been reading about with war and deception and government stufff like that which i have really liked the books and short poems we read so i think it will go good (:


So the calendar doesn't have any due dates past monday and the other Due Date paper is all messed up due to the snow days...does anyone know when the Synthesis rough draft is due? when the next phase of the portfolio is due?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Maybe that's a bad way to think. three are lots of idealists around who will say have we got so low that nothing is more important than life?

but a guy says come on let's fight for liberty and he can't show you liberty. He can't prove the thing he's talking about so how in the hell can he be telling you to fight for it?

Speak up and tell us what decency is. Tell us how much better a decency dead man feels than an indecent live one.

And by that time you're fighting for a word again.

so...I still cant comment.

To Maddie Field: YEAH Maddie! Apparently Cross words ARE too hard for you!

To Hannah Huls: I really like your quote (and thanks for bring the first to remember to post them)I like it because well, I dont know if anyone else feels like this but things are way more raw when your asleep, the filter is gone and all your feelings are just out there.

To Maddie Field: The 2nd quote is my favorite because it really shows his frustration with his condition.

Son of a...

So I took advice Ms. Stariha's and added a paragraph to my essay on the watering down of media. When I finished my final draft I was feeling pretty proud of my paper and was feeling the weight lift off of me until I looked at the word count. I went from 644 to 921!!! Gah!

Do we need a annotated Bibliography? I don't know and I'm getting nervous!

Tengo Un Pregunta

Our OpEds are suppose to be about 700 words right? Or was it 750? And what was our window? 50 up 50 down?

Its safe again.....I think

Im glad this whole college english blog war is over haha its a safe place once again to post :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Off

I wish we had Fridays off more often. I got SO much work done today. Having three days to do something really takes the stress off of the work.

Dos Quotes for All Y'all

"Nobody but the dead know whether all these things people talk about are worth dying for or not. And the dead can't talk."

I think this quote really wraps up the end of book one. I think it might also be foreshadowing because Joe often likens himself to the dead (and I'm aloud to say that because I haven't started book two).

"He thought why don't they take him out and shoot him while there's still something worth while in him?"

This one really captures his attitude in book one. OK I lied there's one more quote I want to share but we may have already mentioned it in class.

"Maybe nothing was real not even himself oh god and wouldn't that be wonderful."


Before the introduction I was really nervous for the Synthesis Essay, but now that I realize that its just an argument essay that uses specific's a piece of cake! And I think it'll actually be easier for us to write this one because there's less worries about whether or not our sources are legit you know?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog your QUOTES!

Just want to invite you all to blog quotes over the weekend to help prep us for Tuesday's test.  I will be getting on and commenting and urge you all to do the same...

FUNNIEST Thing ever!!!!!!

so you guys have to watch this cause its so hillarious!

Im kinda scared

I am not really sure how we are supposed to get specific textual evidence in our essats fr the quizzes if we are not aloud to have our books anymore. I mean it might take us longer to take the test if we have our book, but i know i did better on the last test. Everyone i asked said they did better so i dont see how useing the books is hindering us. I'm just super nervous to take this next quiz without my is kinda like my little floaty duck around my waist when i jump into the pool. It's like the only thing that is keeping me from going under...atleast thats what it feels like.

Essays!! Yay :/

So I have deciced that all the essays are dumb. I defiantly dislike writing them. Its to bad that I need to do good on them to pass. I will give Mrs. Stariha props though, because if we can pass her class then there is no way we can fail a class in college cause i feel like she works us as if we are in a graduate English class for college. but i am also a procrastinator so that might be why it seems so hard as well.
Yay more essays for the weekend!:) haha j.k..But at least my op-ed is super close to being done thanks to my confrencing this morning:D Hopefully this synthesis essay isn't too hard.

War is not Peace

I know for me personally with almost everyone in my family participating in the military in one way or another, I always felt like it was my turn. But I get to choose, whether I want to or not. I feel bad for those who got drafted. They have no choice, and are even dying for a cause they don't believe in. Also, I actually enjoyed all the writing today, it's my favorite part....when it's not essays.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More Essays! Eek!

Well I don't know about you but I'm starting to feel that end of trimester crunch! It makes me nervous to think about the synthesis essay and portfolio completion in that amount of time! I know we'll all be fine but it's enough to get my stress levels trembling. I have to say, I'm getting better at firing out essays. I'm hoping this next one will be as close to a breeze as college english gets!

What are the chances?

Today I was working on a crossword puzzle and I came across a six letter space with the hint "Working class, to Orwell" and I knew the answer, score!

oh boy...

I'm really glad I finally got my 2nd draft back for the Op-Ed. And i'm even happier that i'm conferencing with Stariha tomorrow because all the editing and comments she did have left me soo lost for my final draft D:

One step forward, two steps back, two forward then trip backwards...

Just finishing up the op-ed.  Can't wait for the early weekend to come.  Getting close to finishing jghg.  I wonder if it'll turn out to be similar to inception...  Meh, who knows... (aside from the few who've finished the book.)

P.S. I REALLY gotta make a playlist for homework.  This switching every two minutes has to stop

P.S.S.  Ms. Stariha, I'm very sorry i forgot about our after school meeting.  You think we could reschedule it for tomorrow morning? (provided you're there).

P.S.S.S mental note, download the entire ducktails show


I am soooo tired. This post doesn't have anything to do with college english but i am so tired today..... not good.

For the people who are confused about my post.

Ok so, let's all flip our lids, that sounds like fun. Here's the thing. Apparently I view these contreversial issue debates differently than everyone else. I go in to class merely for to debate for the sake of debating, not to "express my beliefs" but solely to debate. I say things during the debate that don't fit with my point of view, but it doesnt matter, I'm not tryng to express my view I'm just rying to make a good debate. It doesnt matter to me which side people think I'm on. It doesnt matter to me if people think I hate Gays or if they think I am Gay. I really dont care. So I guess that's why I said it was kinda weird that everyone was putting up posts just to say "this is my view right here so that everyone knows and they dont get it twisted". I guess I didnt know that it was that important to people. and MY B I mixed up Sarah Moon and Sarah Lonecki. Thats where that FCA thing came from. So hate me if you want. I dont care

imagine me crying.

so site has managed to hurt me deep down... my blog from monday, yeah it didnt post. even ask josh moore i blogged, and now its gone. (cry) (cry) (cry)

**sad face

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

we all need a break...

1. ms. stariha...i think we need a break off of this blog. people are getting really emotional.
2.garrett...stop commenting and writing so many posts. you don't get extra credit if you blog stupid stuff that doesn't matter. you're annoying me, a lot. ahh, whats new?
3. everyone else, can we PLEASE forget about the gays? it's not like anything we say is gonna change anyone else's opinions and we are just hurting other peoples feelings. LET IT GO ALREADY! :)
p.s...maybe garrett is right about the estrogen thing. you know, i once learned that when females are together, their periods start to coincide. so like if one girl starts hers, then another girl will, and then another girl will. i feel like that is happening in the classroom right now. and people are getting all sensitive and our bodies are going nuts. (just a theory...)
p.s.s the guys should give us a little break, it's not our fault.


So every day I grow more and more angery. This class is not good for ones health......with these arguments people are trying to cram their side down someones thoat......these arguments are not supposed to be conducted like cant controle how someone thinks....different oppinions are what makes this place to live in good.......if we were all the same it would suck......these arguments are made to make both sides known......if the person makes a conclusion that they were wrong thats great but dont force it agree to disagree

My Quote

My quote is from pg. 95. "A guy could stand a lot when he was awake. But when sleep came he deserved to forget everything. Sleep should be like death." I like this quote because it serves to show the suffering that Joe had to endure. He wanted to escape reality but couldnt find release even in sleep. All Joe wanted to do was to escape from the repercussions of war and the hellish nightmare that he had endured. War is not a glorious thing, it is a malicious, hard reality that people have nightmares about for the rest of their lives. Joe wanted to forget and slip into oblivion but could not.

also, watch this video, because it is pure awesomeness....

instead of arguing about gay rights, read this post, it has been proven to make you happier and enjoy your life much more.


Safe place? (sorry for this venting post.)

So I hardly ever talking during controversial issues because I feel that my beliefs and how I was raised is a lot different from everyone else, and since I feel so strongly about gay rights I would post about it. But after being "attacked" (no I don't really mean attacked I just cant think of the word I want to use) for something that I didn't even say, I don't want to speak out in class. I'm not close with anyone in the class. Sure there are people that I talk to day to day but they aren't a best friend. It's hard for me to open up with what my beliefs are because sometimes I'm not really sure what they even are and when someone throws back my beliefs in my face, it hurts. Point is, I'm venting, I found Laura's post really unnecessary.

I Wrote This For Everyone To Read (even though not all, if any, actually do)

Didn't want to make my title any longer but at the end of it...I want to say it's the thought that counts.Well...I am sucking on a lemon drop and trying to figure out exactly what to say. Here Goes... ( The Tone is not mean or strict...just informative. =D )
This isn't written to anyone particular, just everyone. I didn't write this on one person's behalf, I just want to stop things before they get out of hand, in a sense.
I think that everyone in this class has a right to state their beliefs and or strong feelings on a subject. But...I also think that this should be done in a mature manner so that nobody is attacking anyone else. I know some people who have gotten offended by posts and no longer feel like they are able to be open because they felt like their openness got shoved back in their face. I'm sure there are a couple of others who probably feel the same way. I want everyone to be able to express their feelings and thoughts in order to have a constructive conversation or argument...constructive argument. I don't think that it's constructive to push anyone's view on anyone else. We should all be respectful enough to keep insults to ourselves and to write or speak effectively. I just wanted to tell everyone that because I think it's important to not hurt other feelings and to listen to them as well. =)
Hope no one took offense!!! <3

This is my "who cares" post...

OK seriously, can we just end this debate about gays? i don't know about anyone else but I've given up caring, it doesn't matter, people will be gay no matter what we think, and this whole debate is just turning into a "oh gay people can love, now i'm going to get really emotional about it and hate anyone who says they cant", so i say we just move on and quit arguing about it....

alright, my last one i think.

Portoflio Editing for Tomorrow READ READ READ

Please have access electronically to all of your academic and life skills for tomorrows workshop session in the lab.  SPREAD THE WORD PLEASE!!!! and thank you.

haha, alright. i don't support. i just think this is funny

this is neil patrick harris and his partner, they have been together for 8 years. look at this and tell me that gay people can't have loving, happy families.