Sunday, February 26, 2012


I was just thinking about how Dalton Trumbo really was a literary genius. His writing technique has tremendous depth and faucets! I am glad that we read this book in class and connect it with other works to give it additional meaning. When you think about it he took an extremely simple subject (Joe-a man with no arms, legs, mouth, nose, deaf, dumb, and blind) which most people could do little with (except wait for him to die) and wrote a book that has caught the attention of the world. He used so many different styles it blows my mind! Ex. Stream of Consciousness, flashbacks, the dead, the living, Christ, Lazarus. I think he is my new hero lol.....yes I am aspiring to be a writer like Trumbo some day.


  1. I completely agree. But do you think that trumbo did this all on purpose? I always wonder this about writers, is it our analysis that gives works meanings, or is it the writers original intentions?

  2. When you look at something like the Lazarus story... and then you read the biblical story and the details like "those who walk in the dark will face a fall." Then he has the Limey boy fall (into Lazarus). Then the completely parallel story lines... I mean... how can you not see those connections as literal. I think there is always room for varying interpretation, but the depth of craft and meaning in a text is what helps separate something truly classic from something that is engaging and entertaining. (ie. Trumbo and Orwell versus Harry Potter and Twilight) I don't think it is always accidental... Otherwise I would be a famous author!
