Thursday, February 16, 2012

I really dont know what to post about... Self Submission? Sewing? Unrelated plot devices?

Sorta struggling with the synthesis essay.  Finding it a little difficult to manipulate the words to my whims.  Almost want to go and watch Redgreen for a little bit then come back.  I have the content, I just got to weave it together.  Also, why is it at times like this I get marvelous ideas for stories and yet lame ideas for my essay....  I'd hit myself into submission but that would accomplish little to nothing.  For one, due to the position of my arms on my body, it would take multiple blows to subdue myself.  And two, it would waste valuable time I could be using to formulate a plan of action.  Alas, my thread has yet to meet my needle (its hard getting a needle started with thread).  Technically, the plan is already made.  It just needs to be applied.  ...Dangit, another story idea...  Should the main character die part way through?  Should I make a stupid and unexpected plot twist and the end?  Argh, the list goes on and on to haunt me....   Its funny how when I'm goofing around and writing its as easy as making a bowl on a pottery wheel but when it gets serious, I get a pseudo-stagefright thing going on.  I hope my chances of passing this class are better than a fart in a whirlwind...

Also, that discussion was a bit weird today. I doubt I was the only one who felt awkward.

P.S.  I think Joe should do morse code with his pecks... just sayin'.  If he still has pecks...

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