Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today was probably the weirdesty class that i have ever been in before. Even the sex ed part of health class freshman year was better than today. I have to say that i have a new found respect for College English, because I am pretty sure that it has made me feel the most uncomfortable I have ever felt before lol I would also like to send a thank you out to laura for making me read the Rudy part over and over again because i was so disturbed by what he was saying. I wish we wouldnt have discussed today cause i was completely oblivious to what was going on. i was so tired last night that i think i was reading while sleeping, but thanks to class i have the full understanding. yay :/ lol


  1. I'm glad I could make you feel uncomfortable? I guess?...

  2. Yep today was really interesting and I didnt make any connections like we talked about today when I read that part either.
