Thursday, February 23, 2012

War What is it Good For?

I was writing my essay when I realized the fine line that divides words like murder, assassination, and killing. On their own don't we associate all of them with bad connotations? But each is used in different situations to sound less harsh than the others. Take for this for example- Osama Bin Laden was killed. Osama Bin Laden was assassinated. Osama Bin Laden was murdered. Doesn't killed seem less violent than murdered? I've never heard Bin Laden's death referred to as murder. Yet in the end they all mean the same thing! Are we really that manipulated?


  1. It's just like the whole terrorist/freedom fighter thing. They are both essentially the same... but one is on our side and the other is against us. Yes... words are VERY manipulative!

  2. I does seem like even the vocabulary used in the media has the power to manipulate us. I always remembered it being referred to as "The death of Osama..." when in fact, it wasn't a death, but a murder. Nice connection.
    (idk if it can be classified as a connection but I like saying that because Stariha says it and I like the way it sounds. I feel like I know what I'm talking about now. =D )

  3. Aww I was going to comment about the song but Garrett beat me to it. Darn.
