Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Trials and Tribulations of this Final Project

Well, mostly this a complaining post about how i hate technology sooo no one really needs to read this...

1. The files of our video were not compatible with windows movie maker so i had to use a new program that toooook forever annnnd
2. saved files in massive forms of 1.83 GB..too big for a CD or most of my flashdrives but I had an awesome 2 GB flashdrive I could use except.....
3. for some reason it got on write-protection mode and i couldn't get it off sooo....
4. I saved it in a different and smaller form and finalllllyyy got it on a flashdrive but now...
5. It won't play on any of the school computers sooo....
6. I am uploading it to youtube and IT BETTER WORK or i am going to be bringing my entire laptop into class tomorrow.

Kaitlin and better love me. hahahah just kidding. :p
...but really.

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